Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thick and Thin

Today, I was taking the nail polish off of Rylee's nails so that I could put on a new color and it wasn't coming off too well. I told her it was on really thick. A minute later she asked what thick meant. I tried to explain by comparing the difference between thick and thin. I gave her a couple examples. One was the example of a thin book that is really skinny, or a thick book that is much fatter. She thought about it for a minute and then said, "So I'm not thick, right?" and then a minute later she said, "Is that what happens when you have a baby? You get a really thick tummy?"

I think the reality of the baby is starting to set in a little bit around here. I am frantically trying to get things finished up and I have been trying to explain some of the changes and what is going to happen while I am in the hospital and things to the kids. The countdown is close - Just one more Dr appointment!!! Avery follows me around a lot of the time and says "Uppy" and wants me to pick her up and carry her all the time. This isn't going to work when I have the baby because I have to have a C-Section and I won't be able to lift her for awhile, so I've been trying to prepare her for this. Today, I was talking to her and she mentioned something about the baby. I said, "Are you excited for your baby brother to come?" She usually is, but today she said "No!" I was a little surprised so I asked her why. She got a little bit of a sad face and said, "I want you to hold me. I want you to carry me." It almost broke my heart! Oh, my poor Avery! What a hard change is coming for her!!!

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