Monday, April 23, 2012

Funny Kid Stuff

My kids are just funny! At least I think so. Here are a few of the recent funny things they have said.

Today, Avery was telling me some story. I really don't know exactly what it was about. She ended up going on for about 5 minutes. She was making the funniest facial expressions, so I had to get the camera and video her. And she just kept going. I love this stage! She is such her own little person. Her conversations are always hilarious! For part of the conversation, I was asking her about going to nursery today. She said, "Mom, when you Avery did you go to Nursery?" So funny!  I love the way she talks.  She uses her hands and face so well and she gets faster and higher as she goes and has to stop for big, dramatic breaths quite often.  It is so cute! 

We were having dessert and the newspaper was on the table. Logan was reading rather intensely so we asked him what he was reading and it was article titled something about kids going to prison. He was pretty into it! Darren and I couldn't help but laugh. He was holding the paper up like an old man and then made some comment about needing his milk to "wash down" his cookie.

Tonight at bedtime Rylee was telling Darren that even when she grew up and moved away, she would still come visit sometimes. She was saying something like this... "If I was walking to my friend's houses (she named a couple people on our street) and I couldn't find their house and got lost, then I would come and visit with my husband and kids."

Avery has been talking about getting married a lot. Lately, she tells us she married Santa! Today, she told me she married Ethan her cousin. She said they got married because he likes Toy Story and has a Buzz and Jessie.

Rylee begged Daddy for a "date" outside on the lawn watching the clouds.  I thought that was one of the cutest things ever.  She is such a daddy's girl!

Logan has pointed out to Rylee that she says Family Home Evening wrong.  I am kind of sad about it because I think her way is much cuter.  She has tried and tried to correct herself, but it still comes out "Heavenly Fam Nevening".  I love it!

Tonight, Logan was complaining that Rylee was beating him up.  This is quite common at our house.  Logan is much too nice to ever do anything to his sisters.  He just takes it!  Darren told him he shouldn't let his sister beat up on him.  His response was, "Dad!  Rylee is my one weakness!"  and then later he said, "Little sisters are my only weakness."  Such a funny kid!  

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