Sunday, April 22, 2012

Aggie Gymnastics

For as long as I can remember, I have been a huge gymnastics fan.  I don't even know why.  I have never taken any gymnastics classes.  I just love watching and I actually know quite a bit for never having taken.  One of the things I love about living close to the University is being able to go and watch the meets.  It is a lot of fun and I think I am getting my girls hooked on it, too.  Or at least I hope.  Here are a couple that we went to this year....  

Jan 27, 2012 - This is the first meet we went to this season.  It was against Southern Utah and Boise State.  Because it was a tri-meet, it got a little long and the girls started to lose interest.  Especially Avery.  Grandma Boman was here that weekend for a sleepover, so she came with us and we made it a girls night while the boys went to the hockey game.  Our friends, the Bladens, came, too.  We had awesome front row seats!
 Avery and Grandma at the meet - Avery is obsessed with having her hood on at all times! 
 After the meet, one of the people sitting by us told Rylee that she would take her down on the floor and get her some autographs.  Rylee was in heaven and so excited!  She thinks these girls are superstars!  This is her meeting Amelia Montoya. 
After the meet, we had to go get a treat so we went to Zeppe's with Grandma!  Rylee had gone there the week before with dad on one of their dates and loved it and the girls there even remembered her and commented on how cute her and her dad were on their date. 

Mar 5, 2012 - We missed a lot of the meets this season because they were usually on Friday nights and we took a parenting class that was every Friday for 6 weeks.  But, we did make it to the final home meet of the season.  Daddy was at work (it was on a Monday night), but our friends, the Bladen's came with us again.  (Stephanie is a big gymnastics fan, too!) and my good friend, Summer, also came with her little girls Sky and Rain. 

Logan and his buddy Carter at the meet
Logan and Big Blue - He wanted a picture with him and I wasn't sure if he was going to come any closer...
Logan and Carter with Big Blue
The girls watching the meet - Sky, Rylee and Savanna
Rylee and her gymnast cards - They handed out these cards for senior night of the 2 Seniors of the gymnastic team - Haley Hogan and Rebecca Holiday. 
We sat right on the front row so after the meet, the kids went down and got some autographs.  This is Rylee getting her card signed by Rebecca Holliday, one of the seniors. 
This is Rylee and Haley Hogan.  They were especially excited to meet Haley Hogan.  I don't know why but she is their favorite.  They always use her name when they play gymnastics at home.  She doesn't even compete that much....  Maybe it is the alliteration???  Anyway - They loved meeting her and met the other senior Rebecca Holliday too and they made a big fuss over how cute the girls were and they were loving it!;
Avery wanted autographs too and all the girls were so cute with her! 
Logan and Haley Hogan

We love our Aggies!  They hosted the WAC Championship here this year and I was planning on going to that, but then my friend, Stephanie, got tickets to the PAC 12 championship at the U and it was the same night, so I went there instead.  It was AWESOME!  Sadly, I forgot my camera and my phone died so there are no pictures, but we had a great girls night eating at Zupa's and going to the meet.  She took her cute baby, Asher, and he was so good, even with all the noise!  I love watching gymnastics and am SO excited for the Olympics this summer! 

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