Thursday, April 12, 2012

I heArT yOu!

Here are a few other activities we did to celebrate Valentine's day this year....
Feb 12 - Here are the kids getting all their Valentine's ready. They were all really excited to do that this year. Logan chose Lego Star Wars Valentine's, Rylee had Tangled and Avery had Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They were so quiet and hard at work! It was cute to watch.
Logan working hard addressing his Valentine's with his class list.
Rylee getting her Valentine's ready. She was so funny making sure she picked the perfect Valentine for each person. Hers also came with tattoos and she was very particular about who got which one. She did a great job writing everyone's name on their Valentine and loved doing it.
Avery wanted to be big like the other kids. She would write on her Valentines, cover them in stickers and then attempt to fold them, but she would usually just kind of wad them up.
Feb 13 - Rylee didn't have school on Valentine's Day, so her class party was the day before. She was SO excited!!! She picked out a super cute Valentine outfit!
I don't know why she poses like this... She had a great time at her Valentine party and came home with lots of treats and made this cute bag with a frog.
I was trying to find something for Avery to wear and she ended up picking most of her outfit on her own. She picked her skirt, leggings and shoes and insisted on wearing them! Funny girl! She looked pretty cute! Later that afternoon, we went to a little Valentine party with some friends from Rylee's joy school last year. The girls were really excited to go and see their friends and exchange Valentine's!
These pictures are SO Avery and Rylee!!! Rylee eating treats at the party with her friend, Arita
Avery enjoying her cupcake...
The girls showing off the bags they decorated and their Valentine's after the party.
Avery is so silly with her faces!!!
Cute sisters!!! Feb 13 - And, it wouldn't be Valentine's Day without some cookie decorating! I cheated again and bought the cookies and frosting from Boutiful Baskets, which worked out great! It was a fun FHE activity for us. Rylee gets pretty serious about her cookie decorating!
Avery showing me some of the sprinkles. I think she enjoyed eating those as much as the cookies! Super close-up!
Rylee hard at work
Rylee showing off one of her cookies - LOTS of candy on it! I decided these weren't really cookies we could share... Rylee trying one of her cookies
Logan working on frosting his cookie
That is A LOT of sprinkles on Logan's cookies!!!
Logan laughing about his sprinkles
Some of our finished cookies!

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