Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rylee's Family Birthday Part 2

April 1 - Since we got together with the Webber side of the family on Saturday and celebrated Rylee's birthday, we hosted another party for the Boman side on Sunday.  A little crazy and I think our birthday Princess might have turned into a bit of a diva after all the parties and presents and attention, but we had to squeeze it all in somehow and it just happened that hers had to stretch over 4 days of celebrating to fit in family and friends.  They really should be birthday weekends anyway...  Not just a birthDAY!  Anyway - We had everyone over after General Conference for some yummy food, cake and ice cream and presents!  It was a lot of fun and everyone on that side was able to come, including Great-Grandmas. 
The set-up - I made Rylee another Butterfly shaped cake at her request.  Since it was just family, we didn't do a whole lot of fancy decorating and mainly used what we had for her party with her friends. 
One last birthday cake
The birthday girl enjoying some dinner
Girls being silly - And Rylee somehow ended up with a bloody nose.  These two are the best of friends and the worst of enemies!
Funny Sisters

Avery chowing down her food!  We had to take her shirt off because she refused to wear a bib and she is a MESSY eater! 

The family chilling after dinner - Laura, Dean, Brad, Brian, Vanessa and Jay holding Robin

Grandpa and Avery, Grandma, Great Grandma P and Great Grandma M

Kids wrestling Uncle Kyle

Time for PRESENTS!!! 

Great Grandma P gave Rylee an easel she built and a bunch of painting stuff!  She will love using that! 
Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura gave Rylee this Rapunzel art set and...
this butterfly hoodie!  Perfect!!! 

Brian and Vanessa gave Rylee a ring and some headbands
Heather and Jay and Ethan and Robin gave Ry this super cute swim suit!  She LOVED it! 

Great Grandma M gave Rylee a really cute outfit and a Barbie book and candy bar
Kyle and Brad gave Rylee some more Friends Legos.  She is having lots of fun with these. 
Grandpa B gave Rylee this set for doing hair.  She is really into makeovers right now! 
Grandma sewed Rylee this cute crayon holder for church.  It is so great! 
And she also made her this super cute ruffle dress!
Heather and Jay also gave Rylee these cute sunglasses, but I think Avery took them over!  She loves wearing them and they usually end up upside down!  Silly girl!
Avery was the entertainment for Grandpa and the Great Grandmas

She loves those shades! 
Grandpa's birthday was the next day.  We had some sushi for dinner just for him to help celebrate.  We also gave him his present since we were all together.  A new computer monitor! 
Avery and Grandpa - If you can't tell, Avery pretty much has him wrapped around her finger.  Just like Rylee!  They know they can get Grandpa to do pretty much anything!  He is such a great Grandpa and always plays with them. 

Now...time for cake and candles  (again...)

Daddy loves all of Mom's picture taking... 
Mom and Dad and our sweet birthday girl! 

Mom and Rylee

Dad and Rylee

Rylee and her crazy siblings... 
Avery went and put on this dress so she could perform Annie for everyone.  She was hilarious!  She has a red dress that she usually calls her Annie dress, but I guess this was the one she wanted.  She also insisted that she have a blanket that she could stand on like a stage.  Then she sang her little heart out on Tomorrow.  My favorite was the long notes where she would shake her head back and forth as she held out the note for dramatic emphasis.  She is quite the performer these days! 

Time to blow out candles...  You would think Rylee would learn a few tricks about blowing them out since it was the FOURTH time for this, but she still needed several BIG breaths to get the job done! 

Enjoying some cake
Logan and Ethan - Ethan was loving his cake!  He ate all the frosting right off the top! 
Rylee testing out the easel Great Grandma made her with the art set from Dean and Laura
Grandpa and Rylee
Grandma and Rylee - I usually do a better job of getting pictures with everyone, but I didn't do so well this year!  I guess after four parties, even I was burned out! 

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