Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Butterfly Birthday Bash

March 30 - Rylee celebrated her big birthday with her friends the day after her actual birthday.  She was so excited!  Rylee is my little planner.  She has been working on making plans for her party since her LAST party.  The theme has changed a couple of times, but since about January she was sure she wanted a butterfly party.  She loved helping me shop for supplies and things and wanted ANYTHING with a butterfly on it for her party.  She had some pretty high expectations, so I was hoping it would be what she wanted.  I think it was a success!  It was a lot of fun!  I'm glad it was spring time because butterfly stuff was everywhere and really easy to find.  Of course, that meant Ry thought we needed it all.  She is already working on some plans for another party.  I don't know where she gets that from....  

Rylee was sick the day before her birthday and had to miss school.  That was supposed to be the day she took cupcakes to celebrate her birthday, so we had to postpone until Friday.  She was so excited to go! 

Rylee with her cupcakes for her preschool class - She wanted them to be blue with pink and purple butterflies.  They added some blue and green, too.  She loved them! 


Rylee wanted a butterfly shaped cake.  Luckily, one of my best friends just did a butterfly cake for her little girl and had a cake pan that I could borrow.  It worked great and wasn't too hard to make!  This was the first stage... 

And here it is finished.  Rylee gave me a drawing with the colors she wanted, so we tried to follow that as close as we could. 

Rylee also loved helping me get everything ready for the party and decorating....  Here is some of the setup.  Lots of butterflies!  The dollar store even had a set of butterfly supplies, so it worked great!  We had some fun party favors - Glow in the dark butterfly wands, little butterfly gumball favors, marshmallow sticks, butterfly masks and antennae and wings, butterfly hats and little party blowers!       

This was one of the little party favors the girls took home.  Rylee insisted on buying gum balls for a treat for everyone and my friend showed me these fun butterflies on Pinterest.  Rylee loved making them and they were easy and fun for the girls!  
Our butterfly Princess ready for the party! 

We started the party with a craft - Rylee loves crafting!  So, we decorated some cute little butterflies!  We used Rylee's favorite little foamie stickers and lots of bling and glitter glue.  The girls loved it!  I have never heard such a quiet party - They were all really into it.  

Avery working on her butterfly.  She loved this, too.  When we were playing the other games, she would keep going back to decorate her butterfly more. 

Ready for story time and the next activity.  We learned about how caterpillars turn into butterflies. 

We played a game where the girls made each other coccoons and turned into butterflies.  The girls kind of had a hard time getting the hang of it, but there were lots of giggles!

Once they broke out of their cocoons, it was time to get their butterfly outfits - Wings, antennaes and these funny masks that didn't last too long... 

Party girls - Back Row:  Dessie, Kylie, Taya, Madi and Sky  Front Row:  Arita, Rylee, Avery and Allie.  (Logan was having a bit of a fit during pictures because I didn't buy him wings...) 
Playing Pin the Butterfly on the flower

The girls figured out how to cheat a little...  They used the end of the paper to feel across.  Rylee got it dead center!

We played a little trick on Logan and sent him in the total wrong direction.  The girls thought it was so funny!
Next, we had a butterfly hunt/relay race.  They were in 2 teams and had to use their nets to find butterflies scattered in the backyard.  I think there were a few too many butterflies because they got tired of this game before it was over. 
Rylee on the hunt! 
Then we played a game like musical chairs but they had to land on little flowers.  They had fun dancing around. 

Then it was time for presents!  Rylee was so excited and wanted to be sure to play the game where you bump on the head and give a wish.

Rylee got lots of fun things!  Some art stuff and a purse she can color herself, a Polly Pocket swimming pool, a couple Little Pet shop toys and a Little Pony and a Paper Jamz microphone that is kind of like a little kareoke thing.  She loves it! 
The party guests ready to have some cake!  Starting at bottom clockwise:  Dessie, Taya, Rylee, Kylie, Sky, Allie, Logan, Avery, Madi and Arita

Time for cake!!! 

Rylee had a nervous habit or something all week the week of her birthday - She kept doing this with her tongue and her poor lips got SO chapped!

It took a few tries but she finally got all of those candles blown out!!! 

Ready for cake! 
Our cute Daddy - the ice cream scooper!  He is so great to help with all the birthday madness!
Cute baby Rain in her party hat!  My friend Summer was so great to come and help, too and take pictures and help control the madness!  She is moving to Austrailia in a couple months...  I am so sad!  Happy for her...  Sad for me! 

Avery the party girl!  She had so much fun thinking she was big like the other girls at the party!  And she LOVED her butterfly straw! 
Mommy and the party Princess!  What a fun day!  I'm so glad that we have our Rylee!  I love how excited she gets for things and how she wants everything just perfect!  One party down...  a couple more to go! 

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