Sunday, April 22, 2012

Farewell Friends...

March 16 - For the last year and a half, we have had some great neighborhood friends.  It was so great when they moved in because they have a kid each of our kids' ages and the same sex so everyone has a buddy to play with when we get together.  Stephanie has taught me tons about photography and helped me craft and can relate to kids since ours are all the same age so we always have lots to talk about.  Mike has been Darren's soccer buddy!  We were really sad when we found out that they were moving.  The night before they left, the kids came over and played for a few hours while they loaded up the truck.  They had a great time!  Luckily, we have still seen them lots since they have moved.  It is not quite the same as having them down the street, but we are glad they are the kind of friends that you stay in touch with! 
Cute buddies Logan and Carter!  They are so similar at times it is almost scary!  They love all the same things and even have some of the same funny little mannerisms.  They get along great!  They both LOVE Star Wars and Legos and Ninjagos and video games.  Every time they get together, before they leave they tell each other, "May the Force Be With You...Always!"  and give each other a big hug! 

Reading a Lego catalog.  I love that Carter sits that way - So does Logan! 
The cute girlies!  They were watching Rapunzel.  They ALL love that movie and play it a lot when they get together.  Little Avery talks about her buddy Hallie nonstop.  They are about a year apart, but they still just love each other and get along great.  Rylee and Savanna are the same age and go to preschool together.  The funny thing is that sometimes when we get together, Rylee ends up playing with Hallie and Savanna plays with Avery.  I think sometimes they like having someone different to mother or something, but it works great!  Avery already has us play the Bladen's since they left and assigns each of us a family member to be.  Such a funny girl! 
Hallie, Avery, Savanna and Rylee

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