Monday, April 23, 2012


March 18 - With the new baby coming, we needed to do some switching around at our house and move the girls into a bedroom together.  Before we started doing all the switching, I thought I should take some pics of the way Rylee's room was before because I don't know if I ever have.  It looks so much different with bunk beds!  Here is Rylee's cute room before the moving began...
Rylee on her bed
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March 19 - And here she is sleeping in her bunk bed for the first time!  I still need to take some pictures of the whole new room.  It took awhile to get everything moved around and we still need to get them a new dresser that can fit all their clothes.  They were SO excited to share a room and Rylee was So excited to sleep on the top bunk.  I hope it lasts!  Avery can't wait to move into her big girl bed.  We are trying to find her some bedding and I am putting it off because she loves her crib so much I am afraid to move her.  Hopefully, it will work out OK!

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