Friday, April 13, 2012

Snow Friends

Feb 28 - We woke up to a little bit of a snow, so we decided to make it a snow day. We have to use those cute winter boots sometime this year! It wasn't much, but it was enough to play in for a little while. The girls were thrilled when their friends came over to play, too, and they spent a good hour or so running, playing, throwing snowballs and making snow angels. For some reason, our swing set was the favorite place to play. I think they like how fast their snow pants make them go down the slide! My friend took these first 2 pictures. I LOVE them!
Rylee sampling some of the snow.... She LOVES to eat snow! Rylee and Savanna - These guys moved a couple weeks later. We have been so sad! They are such cute little friends!
Hallie and Avery - I couldn't get a cute picture of them both smiling, but they were having so much fun together!
Avery and Hallie eating snow. Avery thought it was a really fun game to hit the snow out of Hallie's hands and then run away. Hallie didn't like it nearly as much...

Snow Angel! I don't think she could get up after this!
Buddies up in the snow fort!
I thought I was just taking pictures, but it didn't take long before they started throwing snowballs at me, too!
Avery loved going down the slide...over....and over...and over
Love this cheese!

Rylee and Savanna decided to build a snowman. Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of snow and I wasn't too much help with my big belly and my lack of snowman building skills. The snow wasn't packing too well, so they got out some buckets and did a pretty good job trying to make one. Rylee was persistent and ended up with a cute little snowman at the end of the day. They were hard workers!
Rylee working on her snowman
Rylee and her cute little snowman. We were able to find some craisins and a carrot to make its little face. She was so proud of this! She was really sad when it melted!
My cute snow girls ready to come in for some hot chocolate! That is the best reason to go and play in the snow!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Cute! My girls loved that day!