Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jr Jazz

Jan 7 - Feb 18 - Logan started his first year of Jr Jazz in January. He has been looking forward to this day for a long time! He is a BIG basketball fan and couldn't wait to play. He got his first hoop before he was even 2 years old and has always loved to play. Being a big basketball fan, that makes me happy and I secretly hope he will like it more than soccer...
I volunteered to coach, but then realized I was much too pregnant, so Dad took over the coaching duties and did a great job. Logan had a lot of fun playing and got a little better each game. It was a little hard to watch if you are a basketball player or fan... They didn't call fouls and sometimes the kids would go the length of the court without ever dribbling the ball!
Logan was pretty fun to watch. He got really into the games and would sometimes do some commentary. He was really focused on the way he ran down the court and it would make me laugh. He also played some VERY tenacious defense, which sometimes other parents from the opposing team did not appreciate. Unfortunately, they didn't win any games, (and they only came close once...) but they had a good time. And they got a trophy! That was all Logan really cared about!
Here are some pics from Logan's first season... They aren't too great. I don't have a zoom lens for my camera and Avery was usually sitting on my lap. And somehow I didn't get a picture of either of the 2 baskets he scored.
Jan 7 - Logan all ready for his VERY first Jr Jazz game. He loved that he was #24 - Paul Millsap! He also told each kid on his team whose numbers they were. Either from the Aggies or Jazz. He is a sports trivia nut and remembers those kinds of things really well.
Dribbling down the courtI love that he gets SO into it!
Logan and his teammate Carter after their first game.
Jan 14 - The fans - The girls had fun going to the games, too. Especially since their friends Savanna and Hallie were usually there to play with.
Dribbling the ball
Some of Logan's defense... The only problem was his team had the ball. It took awhile for him to get that he DIDN'T want the other players close to him when he wanted the ball. For the first few games, he followed the guy he was guarding everywhere! Jan 21 - Warming up...

Logan after scoring his FIRST basket!!! He was SO excited you would have thought he just won the NBA Championship! He had quite the celebration. I was in the bathroom taking Avery potty (she really likes to use public restrooms that I don't want to take her into...) and I walked back into the gym right as he scored. I wish I had seen the whole thing or got it on camera, but at least I saw it. Afterwards, he called my dad and gave him quite the story. Some of it included that he was "surrounded by white guys" (meaning the other team) and that he had to dodge back and forth. Darren said the dodging part went on for a good 20 seconds before he actually shot it and he never dribbled. Just ran back and forth. But still... it was a score! And he gets $2! Yep...I am THAT parent who bribes their kid....
Logan drew these pictures of him playing basketball to send to Uncle Jeff.

Jan 28 - The girls watching ANOTHER game. This is how we spent most of our January and February Saturday mornings. Some more of Logan's awesome defense... Notice he is grabbing that kids' hands. I think this was the game where the parent yelled...
This picture captures a little bit of how Logan runs down the court. It doesn't really do it justice, but it was the best I could do.
Some more of Logan's defense
After he scored last week, he REALLY wanted to score again. Probably for the money. He kept trying to steal it from his teammates and became much more aggressive. Logan going for another basket! He made it again! His shot was pretty similar to last game... lots of going back and forth with the ball (no dribbling) and then finally shooting it. He was very excited!
And Grandma came to watch and got to see him score, too!
Feb 4 - Doing some drills before the game
Getting a pep talk from Coach Dad and a wrist band. They wore these to tell who to guard. Sometimes the kids would fight over what color because they wanted to (or didn't want to) guard the person with that color. Shooting...
Dribbling... He really liked to take the ball down the court.
Feb 11 - There he goes again!
This was Logan's favorite game of the season! We played against some of his best friends and he loved playing against them. He was a little crazy all game. This time he was guarding his buddy, Morgan. The other good thing about this game was they only lost by 4! This other team hadn't won a game and had gotten killed in every other game just like us, so this was a good matchup. The kids had so much more fun when they weren't losing by 20 points!

Logan chasing after his friend, SpencerFocusing on his dribbling
Feb 18 - The final game! I think they were fighting over who got that wristband.
Logan ready to start the game. Not sure what sport he thinks they are playing!
Going for the ball.
AND... the meltdown! I can't say that I really blame him. He was upset because it was only the end of the first quarter and they were already losing - by a lot! They had already lost every other game. He was really frustrated. I felt bad for him because he really doesn't like to lose and they didn't have a chance most games. This game there was one boy from the other team who scored close to 30 points. It seemed like most teams had one player who would score all the points and steal the ball every time down the court, but we didn't have one of those players.
The meltdown continues... He calmed down a little later.
Some more of Logan's defense... These silly girls survived the season, too! Logan was pretty upset about the game... Until he saw the trophy he got and the certificate. Then he didn't seem to care. He also got a team picture of the Jazz. He was so excited about a REAL trophy! He even sent Uncle Jeff a picture of his room. It was a Before/After picture of his shelf. One before the trophy and one after. It made me laugh!
Logan with Coach Daddy! What a good and patient dad to coach all this craziness! I don't think Logan has played a sport more than once without one of us coaching. Another sports season all finished up! I think this might be Logan's new favorite sport. At least I am hoping....

1 comment:

Jami said...

Jace did the jr jazz too and loved it. Basketball is fun! Logan looks like he had a lot of fun