Sunday, April 22, 2012


When I cleared off my little camera and my phone, I found some more pictures from Aggie games that we went to this year.  We had a great year and loved having season tickets.  Sometimes it was a bit crazy sitting with 3 little kids and trying to watch the game, but it was a great family activity and we loved the chance to spend time together and cheer on our Aggies!  It was a bit of a rough year for them, but we love our Aggies anyway! 

Feb 11 - Avery was my favorite to watch at the games this year!  She got so into it and LOVED going and she cheered all the time!  She also HAD to know where Big Blue was at all times!  At first we thought that was because she liked him, but we found out it was really because she was TERRIFIED of him!!!  She didn't want him to get close to her.  She would tap my leg constantly throughout the game and ask where he was. 
Her favorite thing was to do the Scotsman!  She was so cute doing it and couldn't stop herself from starting the second the music started.  She also liked doing the fight song and can sing "Utah State! Hey Aggies all the way!  Go Aggies, Go Aggies, Hey! Hey! Hey!"  It is adorable! 

Feb 14 - We even LOVED the Aggies enough to spend our Valentine's Evening there!  This game was against Montana Tech and was a bit boring...   

I don't know why this face....  I think this is how he felt about the Aggies season this year!  Kind of a bummer!!! 
Feb 18 - Another Aggie game!  This time, the kids were looking cute in their Aggie clothes, so we had to get a picture for the season.  This was the big bracketbuster game against UC Santa Barbara and the Aggies lost!  It was pretty sad to see them lose so much this season.  I think they lost more at home this season than in all the other years we have had season tickets.
Uncle Jeff may be gone on his mission, but we have another Aggie fan in the family!  Uncle Brad came up for this game with some of his friends and he came by to say hi at halftime with his buddy Jacob.  The kids always love seeing their fun uncles! 
Some more Scotsman.  This baby is a serious Aggie fan! 
Feb 24 - The last Aggie regular season game of the year!  It was against Idaho and the Aggies played awesome and got a big win!  It was a good way to end their season. One of our favorite Aggie players is Brady Jardine.  He got injured this year and they thought he could come back next year, but found out he can't play anymore, so they had him come out with the other seniors for a final farewell.  It was pretty sad to see him go, but they all played a great game! 
Our little Aggie fans - Logan - He can tell you every player and their jersey number and quite a few stats about them!  I think he could easily become a sportscaster when he grows up with all of his Aggie facts! 
Our little cheerleader Rylee - She isn't too interested in the game most of the time but she loves to watch the dancers and cheerleaders and she loves the treats!

Funny girl Avery - She LOVES her Aggies!

Logan getting into the game....  He gets REALLY excited sometimes!!! 

Way to go Aggies!!! 

For the first time in a long time, the Aggies were not the Wac champions and they didn't win the tournament and didn't go to the NCAA tourney.  It was not the same watching the first round and filling out the brackets without the Aggies playing.  Luckily, they did get to the tournament (there are way too many tournaments now...)  and that meant they got to play AT HOME and it was really fun to go see a tournament game, even if they weren't playing in the BIG dance.  They actually ended up playing several games at home.  These are from the first round game on March 14 against Cal State Bakersfield.  
Avery loved cheering!  These games didn't sell out so we were able to sit down really close, which was fun! 
Logan figured out he could go over to the tunnel and high five the players as they went in and out before and after the game and at half time.  He loved it! 
So excited that he talked to and high fived some players!
Miss Avery doing the Scotsman
A picture in our seats down close.  Right as I took this picture, there was a big Alley-oop dunk and Logan missed it and was FURIOUS at me for the rest of the night! 

My camera died, so the rest of these were on my phone and not so great...  Logan couldn't wait to go back for more high fives.  He was especially excited when his favorite player, Brady Jardine, stopped and talked to him and remembered him and gave him a high five. Made his night! 

Logan and Big Blue

 Daddy and Logan were able to go to a couple other games, too.  They ended up going all the way to the finals and playing all their games at home so it was really fun to watch!  It was really sad when they lost in the championship game.  We had fun cheering them on though.

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