Sunday, April 22, 2012


Mar 9 - 11 - In March, our friends the Scott's from Dental School came to visit for a weekend from Boise.  We loved having them!  They are those kind of friends that no matter how long it has been since you have seen each other, you can always find something to talk about and the conversation never gets awkward!  It is hard to find friends that you have so much in common with and get along with so well.  We have really missed them since Dental School ended and have been trying to plan get togethers since school ended.  Last March, we made a trip to Boise and visited them and this year, they came to see us.  We really didn't do much of anything exciting...  We just had a great time hanging out with them!  We got a sitter on Friday night and went for an adults only dinner, and then went to Chick-Fil-A on Saturday with the kids (they had never been there!)  The weather was great so we also let the kids play outside and had a yummy dinner Sat. night.   They have 3 adorable little girls, and they played so great together all day with ours!  Poor Logan felt a little left out. I think he was so excited for them to come and then it wasn't quite what he planned.  All those girls kind of ruined his plans, but he had fun with Jon and taught Shelby some Kinect. It was so great to see them! I hope we don't wait another year to get together! 
Not a great picture but here are the girls playing in the toy room...  At least Shelby and Rylee.  I wish I would have taken more pictures.  They played so cute together the whole time.  And Libby, too.  They had all sorts of setups going in the toy room - Potato Heads, Little People, Princesses, the kitchen.  They had a blast! 
We also treated them to some famous Aggie Ice Cream!  Rylee, Shelby and Libby
We got Avery a birthday cake cone because that is what all the other kids were getting.  She about lost it!  She wanted Chocolate!!!  And she loved it...
Just swinging..... 

Cute Shelby pusing Avery - She is such a sweet girl! 
Rylee on her scooter - And for the record, she dressed herself that day! 

Avery scootin'
Avery running....  I love to watch her run! 

Avery doing some sidewalk chalk

The bubbles were a big hit and kept the kids busy most of the time we were outside! 

Jon is like a kid magnet!  Kids always love him and I guess he was the best bubble blower because I think he got stuck doing it all day!  Libby and Ellie were inside sleeping most of the time we were outside.  Libby fell asleep playing with all of Rylee's toys in her room. 

The girls cute little sleepover.  The first night we had to split them up because they wouldn't stop talking, but they got to sleep in the same room on night 2. 
Logan showed Shelby our Elmo Kinect game and they were both getting their groove on dancing!  You should have seen those hips going!  It was hilarious! 
On Sunday, they headed for home after lunch.  We were sad to see them go and our kids keep asking to go to their house so I guess we will have to plan a trip soon!  Here is an attempt of a picture of all the kids!  Avery, Rylee, Logan, Shelby and Libby.... 
And one more with Ellie.  I don't think she really wanted her picture taken!  Avery, Rylee, Logan, Shelby, Libby and Ellie

Thanks for coming guys!  Please come again soon!!!

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