Sunday, April 15, 2012

Visits from the Tooth Fairy

Feb 29 - Poor Logan has been telling us forever that he is the LAST kid in first grade to lose a tooth! I don't know if that is true or not, but I am pretty sure that most of the kids have lost several, so he is probably one of the last. He gets upset when anyone else loses a tooth and gets a visit from the tooth fairy and he doesn't. He even spent a lot of time over the past while hitting himself and wiggling teeth TRYING to get one to be a little bit loose. So, in November when he got his FIRST loose tooth, he was thrilled! I thought it would be a matter of weeks before he had it out because he was so excited to lose one, but once he had a loose tooth, he was a little nervous about it falling out. So...that poor tooth hung on for a LONG time! About 3 months! Daddy kept telling Logan it needed to come out. It was getting hard for him to eat or brush and his permanent tooth was in pretty far. Logan didn't want anyone to pull it and wouldn't do it himself. Daddy finally brought home some numbing stuff from his office, which made Logan feel better about having it pulled, and the "Yankers" because Logan didn't want to go into his office. So, we had a little kitchen table dentistry at home....Logan's last picture with all his baby teeth! You can't really tell from the pictures but the bottom middle teeth are both SO loose!
Daddy performing the procedure. He was really careful not to let Logan see the yankers he used to pull the tooth with until it was time. Then Logan freaked a little. The tooth ended up going all the way across the kitchen but we found it! I love Rylee observing the whole thing. The LOST tooth!!! Logan was pretty excited for the tooth fairy to come that night. And he lost it on Leap Year day, so that is a day that he can always remember he lost his FIRST tooth on! Logan with his first hole in his mouth...
The next morning I made him take a couple more pics... These are the Yankers Daddy used to pull his tooth.
A hole in his mouth!
And... the Tooth Fairy came!!! Logan was certain that she would bring a silver dollar because that is what the tooth fairy should give you for your first loose tooth according to Logan. Luckily, she came through. He was so excited! I asked him what he wanted to spend it on and he said that he would NEVER spend it because it was more of a decoration. He was pretty appalled that I would even suggest such a thing!
March 14 - A couple weeks later, we had another VERY loose tooth. It was starting to poke straight out and made it hard to brush or eat and his permanent tooth was in pretty far, so we told him it needed to be pulled. It was hanging by a tiny thread. Both mom and dad tried to pull it and would get so close, but Logan would get upset and not want it pulled. Finally I suggested he pull it himself instead and he pulled it right out! I think it surprised as all - especially Logan! He was pretty proud of himself! Here he is showing off the tooth looking pretty tough with a tissue in his mouth.
He pulled his own tooth! A new and bigger hole...
A couple more pictures of Logan's new hole in his mouth and his permanent teeth. They are already in pretty far!
The tooth fairy paid Logan another visit and this time left a Gold dollar. Logan was thrilled with that too and added it to his collection of "decoration" money. He is a saver! And now he can say that he is NOT the only one in first grade to not lose a tooth. What a big milestone!

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