Sunday, April 8, 2012


Last night, Avery slept in her big girl bed for the first time. I went in to check on her and she looked SO big! I almost burst into tears. My baby is growing up! I guess that is good since another baby will be joining our family in just a couple of weeks, but I still couldn't help tearing up a little at the thought of how big she is now. Can't they just stay little???

And, speaking of growing... I have also grown another year older and wiser, too. At least I hope. I had a fabulous birthday. Or more of a birthday week. (Isn't that what birthdays should be???) I have the BEST hubby who completely understands how a birthday should be celebrated and treated me to an amazing couple of days. He is the BEST!

For Christmas, Darren and I got a stay at a Bed and Breakfast. We have been trying to find a time to use it, but it had to be a weekday, so it was a little tricky with kids' schedules and finding someone to watch them. So, we ended up going for Spring Break because the kids were out of school and Darren's mom was able to watch them. The kids had a blast and we had a nice, relaxing time together. Since it happened to fall a few days before my birthday, it turned into a bit of my birthday weekend celebration. We had a great time - We FINALLY saw Hunger Games, which was fabulous! We ate at a delicious restaurant (The Timbermine) and had some amazing deep fried mushrooms, and got an uninterrupted night's sleep! The next morning, Darren volunteered to go shopping with me so we checked out City Creek and it was really neat. Lots of cool stores and such a fun atmosphere! It was totally packed and I can't walk for long now so we didn't stay too long but it was fun to check out. Then, we met Darren's parents for my birthday lunch and picked up the kids (who had lots of fun sleeping over with cousins and going to a movie called The Whale which made Logan cry because he is such an animal conservationist right now...) and then we met some friends for a little bit at Kangaroo Zoo. Then, my family had a little get together and had my favorite homemade dinner (Shredded Pork Burritos) and dyed some eggs. Whew! And it continues...

Saturday, we did our Easter thing in the morning and then Darren took the kids out shopping for me. Then, we went to the Lorax and dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Callaway's. Yummy Italian food!

Today was fabulous! I slept in and Darren made me amazing crepes with Nutella and bananas and fruit. Then, we went to Stake Conference (not my favorite part of the day - It is SO long with little kids!) and when we came home, I relaxed while the kids played. Rylee and Logan even both gave me a foot massage. They were so cute! Darren made lunch. He was sure to tell the kids that I wasn't supposed to do any work today. When I was opening my ranch dressing at lunch time, Logan said, "Mom! Let me do that! You shouldn't do any work on your birthday!" We also opened presents - The kids picked out everything themselves - A bracelet from Logan, a bracelet and lip gloss from Rylee and some cute giraffe sunglasses from Avery who has been telling me about them since yesterday. I also got some fun new shoes and cute sweats to wear after the baby is born. I bought a couple other little things out shopping, too. Then, we played for awhile and some friends stopped by to visit, which was a fun surprise. Darren made a gourmet dinner - salad, steak, mushrooms, asparagus and some YUMMY potatoes and we finished off with an amazing 2 layer chocolate cake with mousse in the middle. It was to DIE for!!! Seriously, whose hubby can do all of that? He planned the menu, did all the shopping and the cooking and cleaning up. What else does a woman want for her birthday? It was perfect! I am so lucky to have such a great hubby and kids who made me feel so loved and special today. It didn't even bother me to be older!

1 comment:

The Ollies said...

Wow, sounds like an awesome b-day! Reading this post made me hungry. :) We need to get together again soon...