Sunday, April 22, 2012


March was a pretty busy month at our house!  That seems to always happen - We are so busy for the holidays, and then it is pretty boring in January and February and March hits and things get crazy again!  Here are a few random pictures from our busy month!  And...Blogger has now updated and is SO different.  At least for me...  I think I was still using the original version!  I think I need a refresher course!  I am SO lost!!! 
On March 1, I woke up to Rylee inches from my face.  She said, "Mom!  Its March now!  Can I get my coutdown blocks out now?"  She was SO excited for it her birthday!  Even just her Birthday month!  All of my kids have birthdays at the end of the month, so at the start of the birthday month, they get out this countdown and they love watching it get closer and closer to their BIG day!
March 2 - Rylee had Dr Seuss Day at school.  She was supposed to wear Crazy socks.  She decided on this crazy outfit to go with her crazy socks and she loved it!!!
A silly face to go with her silly outfit!
Then Rylee came home with this silly hat from preschool and looked so cute!  She modeled several poses for me to show it off... 

Mar 2  - My silly Avery!  I love when the other kids are off at school and we get to hang out just the two of us.  She was being so funny on this day!  She was doing a dance concert for me from Annie, pulling silly faces and reading me books.  I love this stage!  She is so fun and can interact and talk so much and says and does the funniest things and she is still a little bit little.... 

Mar 3 - Pizza and movie night.  Dad helped all the kids loved making their own little personal pizzas.  Especially the girls!  Logan wasn't really into it as much, but the girls loved putting on their toppings and making the pizza just right.

MOVIE!  I love getting them all snuggled in and just watching a movie on a night we have no plans.  They love it too!  It is a special treat to get popcorn and they especially love the special candy that I put in.  Avery actually usually dumps out most of her popcorn to get to the candy.  They look so cute all tucked in together! 

Mar 4 - My Rylee is so funny about her setups!  She is VERY particular about the way she plays and has to have things JUST so!  She spends much more time getting things set up the way she wants than actually playing.  She was so proud of this setup of her castles and houses and begged to keep it up for a couple days. 

Some of her stuff was SO tiny, but she had it all JUST so!
Mar 4 - Our cute cousin Robin got blessed in March.  It was a really nice blessing and the kids had such a fun time seeing the family and playing at Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay's house.  It was a gorgeous day and my cousin even ended up being there from San Fransisco, so it was great to get together with everyone! 
Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay and baby Robin - Such a cute mommy and Daddy!
Rylee drew this picture of me and her.  I love it!  Especially my lovely pregnant tummy.  And the Eyelashes are a nice touch, too. 

Mar 4 - My pregnant tummy in real life....  Growing quick!!! 31 weeks and counting!!!
One of Rylee's creative fashion statements... 

Mar 8 - Logan brought this picture home from church.  I loved it.  Mostly because Logan doesn't like to draw and color but he was quite proud of this one.  He told us it was what he thought heaven was like.  He also said he ran out of time to draw Heavenly Father's house, but he is pretty sure that is a "little cottage".
Another funny Logan paper I found around the house.  He actually wrote this way back in November.  His friend Spencer was coming over to play and he made up this contract for them.  It is hilarious!  In case you can't read it, here is what it says:  "NO! girls in room Meeting.  Just Me and Spencer.  Noveber 21 2011  Sined Logan Webber  Visiter Sign under if wanting to Play on 21st.  Sign  (with an arrow pointing down...)"  I laughed forever about this!  Rylee made this picture for me.  It is me and her.  I love my VERY pregnant tummy! 
Rylee wrote this page in her journal the day Uncle Jeff left on his mission.  I may have posted it already...  I can't remember, but I love it!  It says, "JAN 13 , 12 (with backwards numbers...)  i WANt MY UNCLe to Be A GOOD MiSSioNARY.  i WANt HIM to Be SAFe oN HiS miSSioN.  I SAY PRAYERS FoR HiM.  And then there is a picture with Uncle Jeff.  I love his Hair!!!  She draws boy hair so funny! 
Mar 14 - Logan lost his 2nd tooth and now has a big hole in the bottom of his mouth!  He has been waiting to loose these teeth forever! 

Mar 18 - Rylee got a little $3 gift card in the mail to Toys R Us from their birthday club.  She was so excited to go shopping there when we visited Grandma and Grandpa.  I told her I would also give her $3 since there isn't much there you can do with only $3.  She spent a good hour walking every aisle and changed her mind on several occasions.  She had to see EVERYTHING before she could decide.  (I can't be too upset....She shops just like me!)  She finally ended up with these sparkly pom poms and this tiara and clip on earring set.  She couldn't wait to try the earrings! 
This is what happened when I put the earrings on her!  She DID NOT like them at all!  I guess we won't be piercing ears any time soon....
Mar 18 - Rylee hard at work making us a snack with her Easy Bake!  She loves to be in the kitchen and these were some of her yummiest creations yet.  I just wish they were a LITTLE bigger! 

Mar 18 - Avery coloring - She loves to color and draw and write, just like her big sister.  She can do it for a long time and it keeps her totally occupied.  I love how concentrated she gets.  She loves to ask me how to spell things too.  Especially names.  She is getting pretty good at telling me how to spell her name, too.  I taught her the BINGO song with the letters of her name and she walks around singing, "ERY and thats how we spell Avery!"  She also makes some pretty funny little symbols that actually do look like letters. 

Mar 21 - Avery has given up on napping.  It is rough!  Some days she REALLY needs it, but she won't go down unless we are riding in the car or something.  This was one of those days.  She was having meltdown after meltdown and I finally put her in time out.  She usually cries a lot in time out, but she was pretty quiet.  After a little bit I went in there and she was all crashed out on my bed, holding a picture frame in her lap.  She looked so sweet and she was in a much better mood when she woke up! 

Mar 24 - We got the girls new bunk beds for their room and while we were furniture shopping we found an awesome deal on a mattress.  The one that Darren and I sleep on is AT LEAST 20 years old and probably more!  It is pretty sad!  So we were pretty excited to get a new one.   It is crazy how much nicer it is to sleep on a good mattress.  Anyway, we moved this in the toy room until we cleared a space in the guest room.  The kids decided they wanted a sleep over.  So, we let them all sleep together in the toy room on the old mattress and they thought it was coolest thing ever! 
Here they are when they finally fell asleep.  So sweet!  Avery came down a couple of times to tell us "someping" but she finally stayed up there when Darren told her he was going to put her back in her crib.  She did end up rolling off the mattress in the night and asked to be put back in her crib.  I have never had a kid love their crib as much as Avery!  I hope moving to the new bunk bed will go well.... 
Mar 25 - Little Miss A officially turned 2 AND a HALF!!! 
Mar 25 - Another growing tummy pic....    This one is at 34 weeks!  Getting closer... 

And we spent most of the rest of the month celebrating because on March 29, our Rylee turned FIVE!  Where does the time go??? 

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