Thursday, April 5, 2012

My little Sports Nut!

My Logan is such a funny little Sports fan! I love it! He knows all the players and numbers from all his favorite teams and knows more sports trivia than a 6 year old should. He is constantly talking sports. The other day, he mentioned that Gary Wilkinson, a former Aggie player, "really should be playing in the NBA." And when he plays his own basketball games up in the toy room, he has to provide his own commentary and announce the line-ups and keep score. He was actually really disappointed yesterday when Darren told him they wouldn't be announcing his number and position for his soccer games.

Today, he had a friend over and he was showing him all his basketball and soccer cards and telling him about them. He told his friend that if he ever got a Jimmer card, he would trade it or burn it because "Jimmer sucks now"! I hate that he used that word, but it was a little funny.

Tonight, he went to the RSL game with his dad. He has been really excited to go since he learned their new song. My favorite was when he got home. He was half asleep and I asked him how the game was. He said, "It was ugly, but they got the win." Where does he learn this stuff?

Logan was really into the NCAA tournament this year. He told us he was going to watch all the games and he wanted to "play" 32 games up in the toy room on his play basketball hoop, too. A lot of the games recorded on our DVR and I would go upstairs, thinking he was playing Legos or something and he would be watching some of the games. He was pretty intense about it. We let him watch the first half of the championship game on Monday night, but then it was too late, so he went to bed. Tuesday morning, I woke up to the newspaper spread out over the kitchen table. He had gone to get it and check the sports page himself. Then, across our counter were 3 different Kentucky signs he had made, since they had won. He couldn't wait to show them off! I guess all the trips to games have been successful - We have made a little sports fanatic!

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

Tell him I'm hurt by the Jimmer comment. :) He is such a funny little guy!