Sunday, April 22, 2012

St Patty's Day

March 17 - We had a really busy St Patrick's Day this year, so we didn't do a lot of celebrating, but we did have a visit from a little Leprechaun.  (Daddy went to the first Real game of the season (He has season tickets this year!) and the rest of us spent some time at Grandma's and did a few errands in Layton. ) The kids woke up and found a trail of gold coins that led to a little treasure for each of them. 
The Leprechaun left each of the kids this little rainbow with a few coins at the end.  It was just made out of that rainbow licorice.  It is really cute, but I think it tastes gross.  Avery loved it though! 
Rylee and her treasure.  Besides the candy, they each got a new book, too.
Avery and her treasure.  She loves any holiday with candy!
Logan and his stuff

These pictures make me laugh....  The night before, Logan woke up around 11 and called Darren up to his room.  He was upset because he had forgotten to set a leprechaun trap.  He gave Daddy VERY specific instructions on how to set one up using a bowl and was so excited to check it in the morning.  Sadly, the Leprechaun got away, but we did get some footprints...  

Having a GREEN breakfast!  Green pancakes, eggs and milk!  Sometimes I think the kids are a little nervous about GREEN food, but they finally decided that it was still yummy. 

Happy St Patty's Day!!! 

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