Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kindergarten Bound!

March 13 - Rylee got all registered for Kindergarten!  I can hardly believe that she is so big!  She has been so excited and counting down the days until she could go for weeks.  She picked out her own outfit and couldn't wait until it was time to go. When we got there, she was really quiet and nervous, but then Miss Renee, who was Logan's teacher took her back for testing and she was fine.  She loves Miss Renee and she thought since she tested her that meant that she would get to have her for a Kindergarten teacher.  I had to explain that we have to wait and see about that!

When Logan went to Kindergarten, they asked him to count to 100.  I asked Rylee if she could count to 100 about a month ago and she had been practicing and doing a great job.  She was really disappointed when they only asked her to count to 20!  She knew all of her letters and their sounds.  She only mixed up the lower case b and d.  She did great!  She also cut out her circle perfectly!  She is definitely ready to go to Kindergarten.  They were so impressed with her! 

All ready for registration! 

With the Knight at the school
They gave Rylee this special packet for Kindergarten so she can practice over the summer.  She can't wait for School!  She is growing up way too fast!!!

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