Thursday, April 12, 2012


I think February was an even more boring month at our house than January! There weren't too many pictures of our everyday stuff... Maybe that will help me catch up! Feb 4 - Avery stuffing her mouth with treats at one of Logan's basketball games. Have I mentioned this girl LOVES candy???
Feb 8 - A Date with Mom - We went to Logan's School for a square dancing night.  We had so much fun and Logan did great with the dancing!  He picked up all the do-si-dos and alamand lefts really well.  Great-Grandpa Renny would have been so proud!  I was a little worried that it might put me into labor, but we made it! 
Then, we went for some ice cream - Logan had been dying to try Zeppe's because Daddy and Rylee had gone there on a date, so we went there afterwards.  Even though it was late.  It was fun spending time with my little man!  He is getting to be so grown up!  
Feb 10 - Rylee had a pirate week at Preschool. Her teacher does really cute stuff! They had a treasure hunt and collected "booty" or coins all week. Rylee thought it was hilarious that the coins were called booty! On Friday, they got to wear pirate clothes. I didn't know what to send her in, but we came up with this and she made the cute bandana and eye patch at school. She loved being a pirate! This was her favorite pirate pose... "Arrrgh Matey!"Feb 18 - We had Aggie season tickets again this year. I didn't do a very good job taking pics of the kids at the game, probably because we have gone to so many games! So, I wanted a few in their Aggie clothes before one of the last games. It was pretty difficult to get a good picture of all 3 kids... Rylee doing some sort of cheerleader pose
Logan doing a muscle pose
I love Avery trying to get a number 1 on her finger in this one... My littlest Aggie fan. I think she enjoyed the games more than anyone this year. Anytime Darren would wear an Aggie shirt, she would ask, "Going to an Aggie game?" A couple of times she didn't get to go for some reason, and she would always be so sad. She would sit in her chair at the game and think she was so big and she would do lots of cheering! She LOVES to clap and she can sing the fight song and the Scotsman both really well. I love when they start the Scotsman. She gets so excited and can't stop herself from doing it. She always stops whatever she is doing. She even yells at the game. I love it! She also is TERRIFIED of Big Blue. It SEEMS like she loves him because she wants to know where he is at ALL times, but that is because she is afraid that he will pop up close to her. She likes him when he is down on the court but not if he is anywhere close to her. If she is sitting next to me, she will tap me on the leg every couple minutes and ask, "Where Big Blue?" We will have to find him or I will have to tell her he is in the tunnel or the bathroom, but then she will ask again a couple minutes later. She is so funny!
Singing the Scotsman! I thought she looked so cute in her pigtails. She HATED them and told me she didn't want them again.
Feb 20 - My sister, Heather, was on her last week of maternity leave so she brought her kids up to play for the day. My kids had so much fun with their cousins and loved loving on Baby Robin some more! She is growing so fast!
Rylee and Baby Robin
Avery and Baby Robin - I don't think she liked that the baby was crying! Avery LOVES holding babies!!!
Sweet Baby Robin - I think she was about 6 weeks old
Logan coming for a snuggle
Logan and Baby Robin
Feb 23 - Chick-Fil-A had free breakfast week so the girls and I called some friends and went one morning for some yummy free breakfast!  It was a lot of fun!  There was a small incident in the playground....  Some one peed in it!  But, other than that, it was a fun day!  The girls love outings like this - Especially with their cute friends.  This is Ry and her buddy Savanna.  Somehow I didn't get a picture of Avery with Hallie..

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