Monday, April 23, 2012

Nearly Perfect

I am now adding pictures to this post....  It makes it a little more fun to look at!  

April 22, 12 -
Today was a nearly perfect day with the family.  I don't know why, but I feel like I need to journal it.  Maybe because today I realized it was my last Sunday with my family of 5.  Kind of a weird feeling.  I am so excited to meet our newest addition this week, but I have a hard time with change.  Even good change.  I found myself tearing up a lot during the day thinking that Sundays will never be like this again.  That our family will change soon and our cute family of 5 will just be a memory.  I do this every time I have a baby.  I start to feel guilt (that wonderful Mom guilt!) about all the changes  and what it is going to do to my kids.  I start to worry about each kid and how they are going to handle the new baby and the changes that are coming.  Can I give this baby enough?  Can I give everyone else enough, too?  Why didn't I spend more time with them when there were only 3?  I know they will love having a new sibling and that it is going to be so great to have a sweet new baby in our home again, but I just worry.  And I start to feel like I am making them grow up a little bit more and I don't want them to do that.  Lately, they have been suggesting that we go away to Neverland.  I think I kind of like that idea!  With the new baby, of course, but wouldn't it be nice to just freeze time???

Anyway - Enough of my rambling and back to our perfect (or nearly perfect) day!  I love days like today with not much to do and just getting to spend time together.  We normally go to church on Sunday, but there is a big whooping cough outbreak right now.  There are 2 kids in our ward who have tested positive so far and with the new baby coming, I didn't want to take any chances, so we stayed home.  It was kind of nice.  Not that we would make it a common practice, but it was not nearly the stress of a normal Sunday!  The kids slept in a little and then were so funny this morning.  They were doing some big performance for us.  They were using the mallets from the Whac-A-mole game as microphones.  They were all trying to be the star, so it ended up getting pretty loud as they each tried to outdo each other.  Logan was doing some type of orchestra concert and was announcing all his friends' names and what instruments they played and then demonstrating them all.  He was also doing Peter and the Wolf.  They must have learned some of it at school because he knew the music pretty well.  Rylee was singing some songs.  Sometimes they were primary songs and sometimes they were songs that she made up.  She really likes to make up songs right now.  They are hilarious, too!  Just whatever she is thinking about set to music.  Usually she does this in the bathroom.  She was also the announcer, or "pronouncer" as she calls it for the lineup of the show.  She also made Darren sing the Real song and she made me make an announcement.  It was that we were having a baby and then she told everyone to clap for my good news.  Avery was singing and dancing.  She had to wear a Tiana dress to perform.  She sang a couple songs and she usually just repeated the same line over and over...  It was very entertaining!  She loves to sing! 

After our entertainment, we did watch part of a session of General Conference from a couple weeks ago that we had missed.  Then, we had a little primary lesson.  The kids were so cute about listening to the lesson and it was fun to have our own little Primary.  My favorite part was singing our opening song.  Avery picked it.  It was "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"  or "sunbean!" as Avery says it.  She loves to open and close her hands for the "sunbean" part and it is so cute to watch!

Later in the afternoon we took a ride up the canyon.  We saw FOUR deer!  It was a nice little drive.  Daddy rolled down the windows and made a comment to Logan about the smell of carrion (Logan was playing some type of back to the time of the dinosaurs game...) and Logan started complaining and whining for Daddy to roll the windows up.  Rylee said, "I like carrion!"  The kids also enjoyed mooing at the cows we saw along the way.  And Avery somehow managed to cover herself in chocolate from the little bag of M&Ms she took as a treat.

After our ride, Logan got to play some of his new video game, Disney Pixar Rush.  When he turned it off, he was all sweaty.  He gets really into that stuff!  Then we went outside for awhile.  The weather is amazing right now.  Avery started out sitting in a lawn chair in the driveway with some butterfly antennae headband and sunglasses on.  She always comes up with the funniest ensembles lately.  She has so much personality and is so into whatever she is doing at the moment.  When I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was waiting for the parade.  She started naming all the Princesses who were in the parade.  It was so cute!  Rylee joined her and they imagined that they were at a Disneyland parade. 

 I just love all these pictures of Avery!  She is just so funny right now!  I love watching her and all the funny things she does - So much personality!  She has to peel her oranges all by herself but she makes a big juicy mess.  Love it!

 We played a little baseball and soccer, too.  Ry is signed up for Tball right now, so we did a little practicing and she did a great job trying to hit.  Avery even tried, too.  She was pretty intense and had the funniest face when she hit.  I just laugh watching her toddle around the yard.  The other kids sometimes need constant attention and entertainment, but Avery is so content to do her own thing and has SO much personality right now!  


 I loved just hanging out in the shade and laying in the grass with my favorite people in the whole world!  And taking pictures.  I like that, too. 

We ate dinner out on our patio.  And we BBQd. And Daddy cooked.  He is the best and we are spoiled by his delicious food.  Logan suggests that we start our own restaurant all the time.   I love eating on the patio.  We live in the most beautiful place and I love enjoying this weather!

We did baths and watched a bit of a movie we had started the other night and snuggled up together.  Then, we had bedtime.  One of my biggest highlights of the day right now is listening to Avery's prayers.  She has started to do them all by herself and they are hilarious.  Tonight's included a few funny things.  Her favorite thing to say is for everyone in our family to "be healfy"  She goes through us each by name.  Occasionally, she says "help me to be great" instead of "be helfy".  It is pretty darn cute!  She said at one point tonight, "I bis saying payers but my payers are short tonight."  Then she said, "We eat dinner outside on the big table.  Now its time for bed.  I go to bed in my bed, Logan goes to bed in his bed, Rylee goes to bed in her bed, Mommy goes to bed in her bed.  Daddy goes to bed in his bed."  I love it!  She just says whatever is happening!  The other day Darren commented on how excited Heavenly Father probably is to hear her prayers each night and what a smile they must bring him.  She is pretty darn adorable!

When I was leaving after tucking them in, both girls had something they had to tell me.  This is part of their new routine every night.  Rylee is a classic bed time staller and always needs one more thing or something to delay bed time a little more and now Avery is learning from her.  Avery is so funny!  She says "I need to tell you someping" and then her something was a list of friends who are all her age.  She went on and on.  "Hallie is my age.  Lucas is my age.  Ashlyn is my age.  Lizzie is my age.  Sarah is my age."  Or maybe she said size?  I can't remember but it was so cute!  She talks so cute right now and has the cutest voice.  She always has to take big breaths in between things and her voice gets higher and faster as she talks.  I wish she would talk that sweet forever!  

I have the cutest family! I feel so blessed.  I adore them and I want to remember every little moment and funny thing they say.  I know that is impossible, but I just feel like they are growing and changing so fast.  They all have such individual personalities and I just love them for that!  I have been looking at pics of all of them when they were born as I have been getting ready for our new arrival.  I can't believe that it was that long ago that they were so tiny.  I can't wait to snuggle a new one again and for them to meet him, too!  Everything is going to be different soon, but different is good!  I'm sure our little family of SIX will have even more LOVE!

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