Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rank of Page!

Mar 2 - Logan's school has a reading program where they earn points for reading books and taking tests on them and then when they earn a certain amount of points, they get recognized in an assembly and get a special certificate.  The first award is the rank of Page.  (They are all related to knighthood and the highest rank is Dragon Master)  First graders don't get to start the program until half way through the year and I didn't know they could start until about the start of February so I wasn't helping him much, but he REALLY wanted to do it, so he started reading more and taking more tests and got to be in the March assembly and earn his first rank!  He was so excited for me to come and see him and to get his certificate!  I was so proud of him! 
Sitting with his class
Up on stage to get his award

After each group goes up, the principal says something about reading every day and all the kids clap twice and say "Boo-Yah!"  Logan loves that part! 
Logan after school showing me his special certificate!  Way to go buddy!!! 

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