Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fancy Dinner

Feb 12 - To celebrate Valentine's each year, we do a fancy dinner with the kids. They love it! We had to have our celebration a little bit early this year because we had Aggie basketball tickets on Valentine's day, so we had our dinner on Sunday, which gave us lots of time to cook and set up since we have early church. The kids love using their best manners and having fancy appetizers and food and they all had fun helping me to decorate the table. I love holidays!
Our "Fancy" table - It is really a plastic tablecloth, so not that fancy, but it was fancy to the kids!
Ry helped me decorate with all the candy. She loves this kind of stuff! Our daddy is amazing in the kitchen! He did a great job putting almost everything together and making it look fancy, too. Seriously... How did I get so lucky??? Here are his appetizers ready to go. He watches Food Network... a lot! Our kids LOVE shrimp! It is one of their favorite things so they were really excited about this. Last year they ate almost the entire shrimp ring before Darren and I could even sit down so we did these smaller bowls this year.
The salad.
Ready for dinner! I didn't get a picture of the main course... We had steak, sauteed mushrooms, and some delicious potatoes and veggies. We also had Martinelli's and we had it a bucket of ice. The kids thought that was super fancy! Miss Avery
Rylee - I told them to go pick something to wear for our dinner and she chose this shirt and headband because they both had red in them. Interesting combination.... Logan
Enjoying our dinner I was in charge of dessert. We had chocolate dipped strawberries that were stuffed with cream cheese and red velvet cream cheese brownies. SO yummy!!!

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