Sunday, April 22, 2012

Morning at the Zoo

March 12 - The kids had a random day off of school in March and Darren had the morning off, so we headed to the Willow Park Zoo since we were having such nice weather.  It was the first day the zoo was open for the season so we thought it might be a fun way to spend our day.  Because it was so early in the season, there weren't too many animals out yet.  The monkeys and the tortoise (2 of our favorites!) were not there...  Kind of a bummer!  But, we still got to feed the ducks and we had a good time and we finished the afternoon off with a trip to McDonald's for Happy Meals and then met some friends at one of our favorite parks!  It is so fun to have a day off of school!
Looking at the Bobcats - This was about the most exciting animal to see since the monkeys were gone.  We usually spend a lot of time watching the monkeys... 

Rylee running down the zoo path
Right after this, Rylee tripped and fell and started crying so hard, she ended up passing out!  It was a little scary!  Luckily, it runs in my family and so it doesn't freak me out too bad, but it looks so scary when she does it. 
Avery getting a ride from Daddy

Feeding the ducks...  Our favorite part of the zoo!!!  The kids could spend all day doing this, but we ran out of time! 

This is the bench that we usually watch the monkeys from...  No monkeys today!  Just these ones... 

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