Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Grandma's Egg Hunt

Mar 31 - Every year, Grandma Pat does an Easter Egg hunt for the kids at her house.  This year, it was the week before Easter.  Because it was the weekend I was going to do Rylee's party, we just combined that celebration with the Easter party.  We had a great time seeing the family!  Some of them we hadn't seen since Christmas!  Here are the kids all dressed and ready to go to Grandma's Hunt.  They looked so darn cute! 

Logan doesn't really like to have his picture taken!  It is so hard to get good ones of him that don't look like he is in pain or with his eyes open! 

Princess Rylee

Miss Avery

We got to Grandma and Grandpa's house and had a yummy lunch with Ham and Prime Rib and visited for a little bit.  Then, the kids got ready to head out for the Easter hunt.  They each got a basket.  Avery saw that hers had some candy and would have been perfectly content to just eat that candy.  We had to get her on her way to find some eggs! 

Ry was a pro at finding eggs.  She could spot them so fast and she found lots!  Luckily, she was nice and shared some with Logan who didn't find as many.  She looked so happy running around finding eggs! 

A full basket and a mouth FULL of bubble gum! 
Logan on the hunt
Avery looked so cute finding eggs with her basket.  She was really funny about it, too.  When she spotted an egg, she would hurry and look around and see who was close to it and if it was worth going for.  If no one was around, she would make her move.  She did pretty good for being such a little one. 

Ry and her basket FULL of eggs! 

Avery digging into her candy.  As soon as all the eggs were gone, she started opening them and eating whatever she could.  And if I didn't mention it before, it was VERY windy for our egg hunt! 
She LOVES bubble gum....  I love all the funny faces this girl pulls! 

Chomping down...

Poor Logan had a bit of a rough day.  He got head butted by one of his cousins who was wearing a helmet and got a bloody nose and was pretty sad.  He got a slow start on the egg hunt and didn't know if he should go to the big kid side or little kid side and kind of missed out.  Luckily, his sisters shared and he got a little happier as the day went on. 

Avery thought it was a good idea to take her basket down Grandma's slide
After the hunt, Grandma wanted to try a new game.  It was kind of like a cake walk. You dance around and when the music stops, you stand on a number and if they pull your number, you win a prize.  Avery was especially into this game!  I love watching her boogie!  She danced around shrugging her cute little shoulders.  She loves music!  Logan and Rylee played, too and everyone got a fun prize. 
Avery figured out how to cheat the system and stood on 2 numbers at once...  Smart girl! 
Avery chatting with Uncle Cory - So cute!     
After all this fun, we still managed to squeeze in a little birthday party for Rylee...  That post is still to come! 

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