Thursday, April 12, 2012

Avery's First Cavity

Feb 14, 2012 - When I took the kids for dental appointments in December, we found out that poor little Avery had a cavity!  It was really small, but we wanted to be sure and get it fixed before it got bigger.  They had some cancellations at the office and called us to come in on Valentine's day.  Not the most fun Valentine presents, but Avery was a good sport.  I let her take her new little kitty that she got in her Valentine basket in with her to the office and that helped.  Luckily, they were able to fill it quickly and without a shot so it was not too traumatic!  Avery did great.  At least for the hard part.  She was awesome while they were drilling her teeth.  But, then she got tired of it and was crying for Mommy and wanted out of there and it was a little rough getting it filled, which is the easy part.  They had to put a thing in her mouth to keep it open and she did NOT like that.  Luckily, we know a GREAT dentist :)  and it all worked out OK and we are hoping for no more cavities!!! 
Showing off her new dental work....  It is way on the back in one of her molars, so you can't see it, but that is what she wanted to show me for the picture... 

She wasn't in the mood to smile...

Avery and her favorite dentist!  Daddy!!!  And they are still friends after all of that!

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