Friday, April 13, 2012

Be Our Guest

Feb 18 - In February, the high school near our house did Beauty and the Beast for their musical. We were really excited to see it. Especially because a couple of the young men Darren works with were in it. It was amazing! We had a great time seeing it and the kids loved it. (Well... We didn't take Avery. It started late and I thought it would be a little too long for her.) Rylee was waving to Belle forever at the end when they were bowing and took their curtain call. She LOVED it! And when she got to meet the characters after, she was in heaven! On the way home, she said something about the ones that weren't real, meaning that she thought most of them were the REAL characters.

A few days after we saw the play, I had a little surprise for Rylee. The high school did a special Princess Tea Party, so I took Rylee. I had been thinking about taking her to the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast for her birthday in March, but it was SO expensive and it was recommended for ages 8 and above, so I wasn't sure if she would like it or be able to sit through it all. This ended up being the perfect little alternative! It was all the cast members and she was SO excited! She got all dressed up in her Belle dress and even wore high heels. When we got there, she was a little bit shy. The cast was great though. They all made a big fuss over her pretty dress and soon she warmed up to them a little bit. When we first got there, we were greeted by this flower. You can tell Rylee is still pretty unsure about this...
When we got there, Rylee got a tiara, an autograph book and a rose made from Hershey's kisses. Then when she got up on the stage, they announced her. She loved it!
Rylee with the silly girls that love Gaston. She really liked them. She was pretty nervous about Gaston. He was really cute with her though. She let him sign her autograph book and he put a heart around his name, which she loved. She refused to have her picture taken with ANY boys though. Not even Lumiere, who was in our ward. And especially NOT the Beast! Rylee and Mrs Potts. She was really cute with Rylee
Rylee meeting the "REAL BELLE"!!!
My cute little Princess!
After we met most of the characters, we got to have some treats and Rylee colored a picture
After our refreshments, there were a few people Rylee still wanted to meet. These are the napkins that danced during the Be Our Guest number. Rylee really liked them!
And Mom wanted a picture with Belle, too.
What a fun day for our sweet Princess!!!

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