Monday, April 2, 2012

Favorite Memories of 2011, part 2

Back in January, we did a fun FHE where we looked back at our favorite memories of the past year. I posted our first half, because we had to break it up over 2 weeks. We did do the FHE for the 2nd half, but I just never got it posted. I thought we had a lot of fun memories in the first half of the year, but it turns out they weren't as great as the 2nd half of the year! We had some really special and fun memories together! As a family, we couldn't decide which was our VERY favorite... It was a tough one! The top 2 were....

DISNEYLAND!!!! We went to Disneyland and Newport Beach in September and we all agreed it was one of our favorite trips EVER! We had a great time!!!

And finding out about our new addition!!! Our other favorite memory was finding out we were going to have a BABY!!! Mom and Dad found out the end of August ...and then we told the kids in October! We are SO excited for a new baby!!! And....then in December, we found out that we were having a BOY!!! Just what all the kids wanted! Logan was the happiest kid ever! The other memory we all agreed was a favorite was Christmas! It was a great one!!!
Mom and Dad's favorite memory (besides the ones mentioned already) was our trip to Vegas for the Dental Convention. We had a great time relaxing and spending time together, eating great food and visiting a few friends. One of Daddy's memorable moments (although maybe not a Favorite...) was his knee surgery in September. He is still working on recovering from that! Logan and Daddy also both mentioned our trip to Bear Lake in July. Logan had a couple memorable moments. He started first grade in August. And his other favorite was going to Aggie games. Here he is on the night of the Blue/White Scrimmage with his buddy, Carter, and Brady Jardine, his favorite player. He was so sad when Brady got injured and had to sit the season out! One of Rylee's favorites was starting PRESCHOOL! She goes Mon/Wed/Fri and LOVES it!
Her other favorite was eating with all the Princesses at Ariel's Grotto - She was in heaven!!! Avery turned 2 in September and had an Elmo birthday! She talked about her Elmo cake for WEEKS!!! A couple other memories all the kids mentioned was our Stay cation to Salt Lake in August where we went to the zoo, the Gateway Museum, Temple Square, This is the Place and Thanksgiving Point and a few other places. They also talked a lot about our trip to Downata Hot Springs in July with our friends.
And, they all loved our spooky dinner in October. It was kind of funny they mentioned this because I kind of threw it together at the last minute and it wasn't very fancy or well thought out. I guess it doesn't always have to be the big things...

Here are a few (or a lot) of our other favorite memories....

The Cruise-In and watching fireworks with neighbors
Celebrating the 4th
A visit from our Vegas friends, the White's
Boman Family Stay-Cation
Going to story time at the zoo
Lots of Days Celebrations and Parades
Daddy playing soccer... (too bad it only lasted for 2 games!)
Swimming in the Backyard
Trips to Dino Park and The Treehouse Museum
Having our cousins visit from Texas and having a sleepover with them at Grandma's
Going Swimming at Gma and Gpa Webber's
Daddy turned 32 and the kids made him a cake all by themselves!
Avery started trying the potty
Trips to Willow Park Zoo and the Fun Park
Aggie Football games
Going Camping for Labor Day with Bomans
Rylee started Dance!
Primary Program
Going to the Farmtastic Fall and Corn Maze
Pumpkin Walk and Trunk-or-Treating for Halloween
Uncle Jeff getting his mission call
Mom playing Church vball and going to Region
Having our 1st Snow!
Season tickets to Aggie Basketball
Logan's Spider Challenge at School
Ry cheered at the high school cheer clinic and performed at a bball game
Logan had a Christmas Piano Recital
Mom helped with a BIG fundraiser for a friend
Toured Real Stadium
Uncle Jeff's Farewell
Did LOTS of fun Christmas activities! Some favorites were making Gingerbread houses, going to the Live Nativity, seeing the Willard Lights, seeing Santa and putting up our tree!
Rylee had a Preschool Christmas program
Celebrated New Year's Eve at Uncle Brian's with Uncle Curt and his family, too.

Whew! It was a busy year! I'm guessing 2012 will be just as busy!!! I am so glad to have my cute little family and so thankful for all the fun memories we make together!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

SO CUTE!! Time flies! This is a good way to remember the highlights!!