Sunday, April 22, 2012

Disney on Ice

March 8, 2012 - We are HUGE Disney fans at our house and love anything Disney.  One of our favorite family activities has been going to Disney on Ice.  We haven't gone to the last couple, so we decided that we should go this year and take the whole family since it was Toy Story.  It was something Logan would be into and Avery has been really into Toy Story since we took our trip to Disneyland in September.  It was such a fun night out as a family!
Logan and Daddy at dinner. Before the show, we stopped and got dinner at The Lion House Pantry.  We discovered this restaurant for the first time on our mini vacation to Salt Lake in August and it is one of our new favorite places.  The kids especially love getting their food on trays and the rolls are amazing! 
Mom and the girls
Then we headed to the Energysolutions area for the big show!  The kids were really excited!  And I was excited they had a chance to wear these cute outfits again! 

We had lots of time before the show started, so that meant mom took pictures! 

My favorite part of going to Disney on Ice is watching the kids's faces!  I didn't get great pictures of them, but you can tell they are all really into it and loving it!  Makes it worth it! 

These Disney characters came out to introduce the show.  Avery was so excited to see Mickey and Minnie!  She kept asking when they were coming back out.  They didn't come out until the finale.  It was all Toy Story stuff. 
At intermission.  My sister and her family went to the show too and were in the section just over from us so we met up with them for the intermission for a few minutes.  I thought Ethan got in some of the pictures, too, but I guess not.  He was loving the show!  He is a Toy Story nut!  He also REALLY wanted a toy from the little souvineer shop, so that is probably why he isn't in the picture. 
Our family at the show.. 
Avery really wanted me to take a picture of Lotso.  She has this funny thing lately about bad guys.  She is a little obsessed with them.  She kept asking for him to come out, but then she would kind of freak.  I think she likes to be a little scared or something... 
Watching the show. 
Avery waving at the end. 
The big finale!  The kids had a great time.  The show was really cute and had great music.  It seemed to get a little long though.  I think when we have gone in the past they change the stories all the time, so it seems a little more exciting for what is coming next and the kids love all the different characters.  This one was all Toy Story so I think it was a little different and Avery was a bit bored by the end.  She said her favorite part was Lotso, even though he did scare her.  She seemed to like just about all the characters though.  She really liked Slinky Dog, too.  Rylee's favorite part was when ALL the Barbies came out and danced to "I'm A Barbie Girl".  She loved it!  We had a fun family night! 

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