Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Funny Avery

Avery is at such a funny stage right now! She makes me laugh all the time. She is talking really well and has so much personality and her facial expressions are hilarious! Sunday she seemed to be especially funny. Here are a few of her little moments...

We were eating breakfast and I was trying to get Avery to let me help her cut up her pancake. She insisted on doing it herself. Just minutes before, Logan had been whining about needing his cut and we were trying to convince him he could do it himself. I said something to Avery about teaching her brother how to cut his pancake. She immediately broke into this funny, deep, pouty voice and said, "Waaa...I don't want to go to Disneyland. I Logan." It was the funniest impersonation I have ever seen by a 2 year old!

Also at breakfast, the topic of babies came up. She said something about our friend's baby, Baby Asher, and her cousin Baby Robin. Then, she said something about never getting to hold Baby Jesus. Then she added "I love Baby Jesus. He my favorite baby!" Later in the day, she was wearing a blanket wrapped around her and informed me she was getting married. I asked her to who and she said, "Jesus. Not the baby. The big one."

While we were watching conference, one of the speakers said something about "I Am A Child of God." Avery got the most excited look on her face and said, "Mama! That MY song! He said My song!" That is the song she asks for for bedtime each night. It was so cute! She also really enjoyed leading the choir.

Sunday night our family came over for a birthday dinner for Rylee. I kept asking Avery if she would sing Annie and perform for everyone, but she said she had to have an Annie dress first. She had my sister take her upstairs and find a dress up (it was Tangled though.... not Annie....) and then insisted on an Annie blanket. She made us spread the Annie blanket so she could stand on it like a stage. Then, she proceeded to sing us a little Annie. She sang a little Tomorrow and a little Its a Hard Knock Life. She was a little shy, but with every one's help, she sang quite a bit. My favorite was when she got to the long notes at the end and she belted them out and shook her little head like she was singing with all her heart. What a little star! I just love her!!!

1 comment:

The Ollies said...

Ha ha! I love that little girl! The Logan impersonation was the funniest!