Sunday, April 8, 2012


Yeah! So excited to be posting 2012.... Even if it is a quarter of the way over! Here are some random photos from our January happenings. January always seems to be slow around here, which is OK. I think we all needed some recovering from Christmas and all our fun!

January 2 - We finished off our Christmas Break by spending the last day going to McDonald's for happy meals and some fun in the play land! Oh yes... and some ice cream cones!!!
When we got home, the weather was so nice! Not like January in Utah at all. The kids decided they wanted to spend the afternoon playing outside. It was fabulous! We did sidewalk chalk, rode bikes, blew bubbles and didn't even need coats! It felt much more like Spring Break...which was this week and it SNOWED! I guess that is Utah weather for you!
Avery found this top to the bug catcher and thought it made a great camera. So, she is taking a picture of me while I take a picture of her.
Last summer, Logan wrote quite a lengthy story in sidewalk chalk on our driveway about Nemo. he decided to continue it. He called this one Finding Marlyn. It had a whole story to go with it. I loved his submarine drawing and the arrow that said "You" and pointed inside.
More Sidewalk chalk - Ry loves to draw!
Avery also found some of Daddy's work gloves. Such a silly girl! Jan 4 - Rylee and Daddy spent the morning building this HUGE Lego ship! They are loving the new Legos we got them from Christmas. Rylee liked that this tower was taller than her. They have the best daddy!
January 7 - One last Aggie game with Uncle Jeff! We have converted Jeff to be a big Aggie fan and he has come to lots of games up here this season. This was the last game before he left on his mission, so we invited him to come. We love hanging out with him!
Since it was the last time Jeff was going to the game with us, we went to dinner at Aggy's before the game. The Boys
The girlsCheering on the Aggies!
January 8 - The girls after church - I am not sure what they are playing, but they were being so sweet together in their little made up bed.
January 9 - Rylee came home from preschool and showed me this new trick she learned - How to write her name out of playdoh! She was so proud of herself! January 11 - With Uncle Jeff before he left for the MTC. Such a happy and sad day for us! We will sure miss our Uncle Jeff!!!
When we left Grandma's house after saying goodbye to Uncle Jeff, Grandma gave the kids some cookies to take but they were supposed to wait until they had lunch. We ran home and I ran inside to grab some sandwiches and then run Logan to school since he had missed most of the day. When I came back, Avery's face looked like this... She told me she didn't eat her cookies, but I had a hard time believing her. She couldn't look at me for awhile.
January 11 - Avery talking on her phone. I don't know why it is blurry - I think I may have been videoing at the same time. She is hilarious when she pretends to talk on the phone. She always says "Bis haning out" (just hanging out) and holds the phone like this on her shoulder. Not sure when she became a teenager, but she makes me laugh! January 13 - Our new couches were delivered! Our first real furniture purchase since we got married! Pretty exciting! Our old couches ended up in my Mom's basement. Logan is very happy about this because he can still visit them. He didn't want to give them away!
January 13 - Rylee made this cute marshmallow snowman at Preschool. I had to hurry and get a picture because she ate him just about the second after we took these pictures!
I guess the sun was a little bright...January 14 - We spent almost every Saturday in January and February watching Logan's Jr Jazz games. The girls were great little cheerleaders and so happy to have their friends there to watch with!
January 15 - When our kids are not reverent at church, we have them come home and practice reverent time on the couch. On this particular Sunday, all 3 kids were not reverent, so they all ended up on the couch. They looked so cute sitting there with their arms folded that I tried to sneak a picture. And then the giggles started...
January 16 - We went down to visit our new cousin, Baby Robin, who was born on Jan 15. Since it was Martin Luther King Day and Daddy had the day off, we wanted to go do something fun, so we picked up Uncle Kyle and went to Classic Fun Center. The kids had a great time running and jumping and sliding!
Avery loved this little kid bounce house and had it mostly to herself. She was loving it!
Uncle Kyle was a good sport to help the kids on the slides. He, Logan and Daddy also played a game of Lazer Tag. They ended up losing to a bunch of teenage a lot! I don't think they even scored! We like to tease them about that...
Daddy and the girls on the slide. So fun!
Rylee is getting so good at climbing and could do all the big stuff by herself now.
Mr Logan - I don't know if he stopped running the whole time!
Avery looking confused....
January 17 - Sisters playing Leapster together. I knew it was too quiet! They were having a great time. Luckily, Logan wasn't home to know that Avery was playing with his.
Jan 19 - Avery stopped napping in January. Such a bummer for Mom! She learned out how to climb out of her crib and now it is all over for me. She does great at night still but she won't go do for a nap. I think it is because she knows the other kids aren't napping. She still kind of needs her naps though, so I find her all over the house crashed out around 4 pm. Or if we go anywhere, she will fall asleep in the car.
January 21 - We didn't get much snow in January, but this storm was crazy! They were the biggest flakes I have ever seen! The pictures don't do it justice at all!
January 22 - A dress up day! I love when the kids get so happy and excited to play together. This day they all put together a dress up outfit. Logan tried out his new Darth Vader costume.

Rylee was CinderellaAvery was Ariel...with a golf club... January 23 - Avery asleep again, just before dinner...
January 24 - Our new Sunday activity is writing letters to Uncle Jeff. The kids love writing him letters and making him pictures. Here are a few we have sent off so far. Rylee makes him a new picture almost every day! She is getting really good at writing everything and does it all by herself sometimes... This first one was one she made all on her own and using some of her Princess stickers.
Another drawing for Uncle Jeff by Rylee
Logan drew himself at his Jr Jazz game. Love this drawing Logan did of his game!
Jan 24 - Logan had a Parent Teacher Conference and he did awesome again!  His teacher had nothing but great things to say.  He is doing awesome in every subject - The only thing he needs a little work on is taking time on his work and following directions.  He can get a little sidetracked at times, but he is improving on everything.  We are so proud to be his Mom and Dad!  To celebrate, we took JUST Logan to a special dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  That doesn't happen too often, so it was pretty special for him.  It was fun to just be him and us and to chat about school and he LOVED his sweet potato LOADED, of course!  I think he only eats the marshmallow layer, but I guess it OK since we were celebrating! 
Logan and Daddy
Logan and Mommy - Way to go buddy!!! 
January 27 - Rylee's preschool class had a beach party. She was so excited to pick out summer clothes and wear her flip flops and sunglasses!
Avery wanted her picture taken, too.
January 28 - Rylee never naps anymore. This day was one of the few in a long time where she fell asleep. She looked so sweet and little! My mom had come to stay overnight and go to Logan's basketball game and she and the kids were up really early playing with her ipad and taking silly pictures, so I think that is why Rylee ended up crashed out! I love how sweet kids look when they are sleeping!
January 30 - Logan got to go on a field trip with the first grade to the Hardware Ranch. We usually go every year, but this year, we never made it so I was glad he got to go with his class. He had a great time and came home with lots of facts about elk to tell us!

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