April 22 - One of our new Sunday activities since January has been writing letters to our favorite missionary, Uncle Jeff!  Today when I was helping them email their letters, I thought it might be a fun way to journal what is going on and their personalities in the way that they write.  Here are this week's letters. 

Dear Uncle Jeff,

My friend Hallie comed over to my house.  We played Hallie was the sister and I am the mom.  It was fun!  She's my best friend and is just my size. 

I watched Ry dance.  I loved it!  I have been practicing lots since then and I did a sashay all the way to the car after. 

I went to Baby Animal Days.  I held a chickie but then he hopped away.  I held a bunny, too.  I rode a pony and I rode a helmet and sprayed it.  (to sanitize it)  My favorite thing was riding the ponies!  

The baby is coming out!  I am excited!  I want to visit him at the hostable.  

I love you!


Uncle Jeff,

I have 6 butterflies.  My butterfly kit came with 5 butterflies.  Their names were Red Flower, Sugar, Belle, Red Rose and Flower.  I let them go yesterday.  I wanted them to stay alive.  But, my dad caught another butterfly for me today.  It is yellow and its name is Red Flower, too.  We got to hold the butterflies but they kinda freaked out and Dad had to catch them! 
They were American Lady Painted butterflies.  They look kind of like a monarch butterfly. 

We are learning about the letter U and umbrellas at school.  We got to take our umbrellas, but I couldn't find mine.  I had to stay home from school on Friday.  This week we will learn about something new at school.  It will be all about the letter q. 

Yesterday I went to Baby Animal Days.  I got to hold baby chicks 100 times!  I loved doing it!  The rabbit scratched me on the back.  It hurt!  They have sharp claws!  My favorite part was riding the pony. 

The baby is coming in 4 days!  I'm a little nervous because Mommy's tummy is cut open.  I'm excited to meet him and have a new little brother.  I want to name him Elmo, but I think we are going to name him Bronson Chad. 

I love you!

rylee  (She insists on finding all the letters on the keyboard to type own name at the end!) 

Dear Uncle Jeff,

How hot is Georgia on the 22nd?  Its pretty warm here - like 78 degrees.  Today we went on a drive up the canyon and saw 4 deer.  I started soccer.  We lost once and tied twice.  My team is the Soccer Dragons.  I thought it should be the Soccer Raptors, but no one agreed with that.  I really like to play forward.  We have a goalie this year, too.  The best one on our team is Jayden.  He's a great goalkeeper!  He rarely misses one! 

At school I am learning about snakes.  They have a windpipe that they stick out when they are eating big food.  Then, they can breathe.  The King Cobra is not the only cobra with a hood.  All cobras have hoods.  My favorite snake we have learned about so far is the Boomslang and the King Cobra.  Boomslangs are pretty.  They have patterns of green and black.  And sometimes just green.  Snakes are amazing creatures.  Isn't it wierd that they used to have legs?  I think it is! 

I got a new video game called Disney Kinect Rush.  It has all the Pixar Movies.  I just barely passed Cars a couple hours ago (on the 22th of April...)  We still have a lot more to pass!  Its really fun!  Hopefully we still have it when you get back and you can try it with me.  I think the boys would like it (besides you).  Everyone would like it. 

Yesterday we went to Baby Animal Days.  It was fun.  I saw the cutest duck there.  It had a little mohawk.  They were all so cute!  I think that one was my favorite.  I got to hold chicks, ducks, a bunny,  and I got to pet goats and sheep and a baby cow.  And I got to ride a pony.  Nothing was my favorite.  Well...probably the ducks.  But it was all really fun!  There was a goat that almost charged at me!  It was so wierd!  And a donkey that kicked a basketball around.  It was funny!  Now THAT is what I call a good day! 

The baby is going to be born in FOUR days!  I'll be happy to have a little brother! 

Are you going to baptize anyone?  I hope you get to!  Thanks!

I love you!
