Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today's the Day...

Well... Since it is now past midnight, Today is the day!  I should be sleeping, but who can do that when you are HAVING A BABY the next morning!!!  This will probably be a lot of rambling because it is late and I am having a hard time processing all my thoughts.  I always go through many mixed emotions when I have a baby.  I HATE hospitals and surgery terrifies me so there are some things that stress me out, but I sure can't wait to meet this little guy.  And for my kids to meet him. They are so excited!  I wonder who he will look like....  Will he have lots of hair like my other babies?  Will he be a screamer or calm?  I am so curious to find out about him!

It seems like we have been counting down forever!  This pregnancy has been my hardest one physically.  I have had a lot more pain and discomfort.  My back has had problems the last few weeks and I have been really swollen, which has never happened to me with my other pregnancies.  Even walking some days was really hard.  But, I know in the morning it will all be worth it when I see our sweet new baby!

Here are a few things I will NOT miss about being pregnant:
My sore back and being able to walk without waddling
Being able to sleep without my tummy being in the way
Swollen feet and hands - This hasn't been a problem before, but I can't even wear my wedding ring anymore and my feet get huge! 
Having to pee ALL the time!  Especially in the middle of the night
All those Dr Appointments!
Maternity clothes - Especially when you get to the end and NOTHING fits! 
Being able to bend over! 

Things I will miss about being pregnant:
Being able to blame my food cravings on my pregnancy....  
Watching my kids watch my tummy move and Avery asking when the baby is "coming out"
Reading about the amazing way a baby develops each week
These are a little harder to come up with....  but I do LOVE feeling the baby move inside of me and I will truly miss that.  He is actually kicking up a storm right now.  My favorite time of day is after the kids are in bed and I can sit on the couch with Darren and we just watch our little guy move all over.  There is nothing like that feeling in the whole world.  The miracle of life is amazing!  Holding him in my arms will be the best feeling, but I still will miss feeling him inside of me and that special bond that only you have with the baby when you are carrying them for nine months! 

So...I guess I am off to have a baby in the morning!  Wish me luck!!!  I was originally supposed to be there EARLY, but they called and moved me back a little so I will have to wait a few more hours....  Hopefully, I can get a little sleep....  I think I might need it over the next few weeks! 

1 comment:

The Ollies said...

Yay! I can't wait! Good luck, I am thinking about you this morning and praying that everything goes well.