Sunday, April 8, 2012

Potty Continued

January 8 - Avery was doing so great with potty training that I took her to the store and let her pick out panties. She picked Minnie Mouse. She LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now. It lasted about an hour... She had an accident and then didn't want to wear them anymore. We have tried pull-ups too, and she hates them. She says, "These bugging me!" because they cut across her leg and she doesn't like that at all.

So, potty training is still going, but very slowly. She goes sometimes. Sometimes she doesn't. She really likes to use public restrooms for some reason. Every time we go somewhere, she wants to go potty. And she LOVES to go during Sacrament Meeting. I guess she has figured out a way to get out of there. So, for now... Still working on it. Might be awhile before we master it with a new baby on the way. But, she sure looks cute in her panties!

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