Monday, January 9, 2012


Lately, Avery really likes to pretend that she is the mommy. She tells me all the time, "you a baby. I the mommy". Then she usually proceeds to take away my phone, because it is obviously for mommies and not for babies!
Today I was going to the bathroom and she came in and started telling me to shut the door and "Stay there! Don't move!" I think she was trying to Avoid nap time. I told her that she was being really bossy. Her response was, "I not bossy. I a mommy".

1 comment:

Karmann said...

She cracks me up! I think you might be in for it when she is a teenager! ;) I feel ya on the blogging and trying to catch up and readers. I think it is something that is not as novel anymore. I still want to do it too just for documentation. I love reading your blog and especially looking at your pictures!! You take such a great pictures of your family and I know for a fact that someday your kids will be so THANKFUL for it!! Love you!!!