Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Fair

August 11th - It wouldn't be summer time without a trip to the County Fair. Our kids look forward to it each year and ask all summer when it is time to go. They really have a great time and it is some great people watching and delicious (and greasy...) food for Mom and Dad. This year, we met up with some friends which worked out great because each kid had a little friend to play and run around with. We started at this building with random displays. They have everything from giant vegetables to canning to sewing projects and art stuff and a bunch of stuff in between. I'm not sure how they determine what is fair worthy because there is a lot of different stuff in there, but there are always some cool displays.
These boys were glued to the display cases full of Legos. Who knew that you could enter Legos in the fair? They determined that they will enter some next year. This is where Logan spotted the General Grievous starfighter for the first time and decided it was the Lego set of his dreams! Carter and Logan studying the Legos
Avery crashed out. She fell asleep on the way there and slept in her stroller for a half hour or so.
When she woke up, she was a little confused. We were in the big barn full of cows. I love how wide her eyes are.
Logan checking out the livestock
One of the owners let the kids touch their cow. They were all pretty excited about that.
Avery wasn't too sure so Daddy had to help her.
Rylee with the cowLogan did touch the cow, but it did make him a little nervous.
Avery waving to the animals. She had a really good time at the fair and I think was more into the animals than anyone else.
Cute friends Savanna and Ry
Avery giving Daddy directions. Wouldn't it be nice to sit in a stroller and have someone push you everywhere you want to go?
Love this! Avery was up close looking at one of the pigs and he made a sound and she freaked! So funny! I don't think she got that close anymore.
Walking through one of the barns.Avery looking at some of the giant chickens. She looks a little worried...
I thought these girls just looked cute watching the rides. The kids' favorite part of the fair is always the rides. We told them they could each pick one thing.
Rylee really wanted to ride the little roller coaster, but it was broken down when we went by. So instead, Rylee and Avery went on the carousel.

Avery loved waving to Daddy each time we went around. She had so much fun! Rylee just happy to be at the fair.
Logan and Carter picked this weird fun house kind of thing that Logan actually picked last year, too. It didn't seem as fun as a lot of the other rides, but they really liked it.
I'm pretty sure the whole reason they thought this ride was so cool was this picture on the side - It was some sort of Harry Potter rip-off, but they thought that was awesome!
After rides, we grabbed a quick dinner. Mom and Dad had a steak kabob and the kids had hot dogs and mini burgers. After dinner, we headed over to the rodeo. Everything took a little longer than we planned and we were a little bit late and the riders were already going around the stadium. We stayed by the rails here so Rylee could wave to all the Princesses going by since that is her favorite part of going to the rodeo.
Avery was pretty into the horses. She loved making horse sounds as they passed by us and waving and waving and clapping for them.
Avery got pretty restless part way through the rodeo, so we went on a little walk and came back with cotton candy. The kids were pretty well entertained and happy for the rest of the night. They love that stuff! I love how Avery is shoving in into her mouth as fast as she can. I don't think she wanted to share!
Logan and his sticky blue smile
Rylee has it all over her fingers
Avery with a little cotton candy moustache.

Another fun trip to the fair! Next year I think we will go a little earlier so we can walk around a bit more and so mom and dad can sample some more fair food!

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