Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Full Day 'O Fun

Aug 6th - In Ogden this summer, they had different free family activities each Saturday. Since Daddy had plans to go to a Real game with his brothers, I decided to take the kids down for an afternoon of fun and go to both the Treehouse Children's Museum and also the Dino Park. The day before, my good friend from college, Amy, texted and said she wanted to come into town, so I told her my plans and she decided to come along and bring her 2 cute little girls. It was a bit crazy with 5 children under the age of 6, but we had a fun day. I'm not sure if Amy would agree.... I think it was a little more fun than she planned on! I was so glad she came along though.
My kids have been to the Treehouse Museum many times. They love it every time and every time they discover new things. Avery really liked coloring. Logan assembling a dinosaur
The big fish tank is always one of their favorites. Avery was looking for Nemo. She loves that movie lately.
Logan using this chart to identify the different types of fish.
The girls were having a lovely tea party when this magician came over and showed them some tricks. I don't think they were very impressed. I think Rylee was more bothered that he interrupted her tea party!
My girls and cute Charlotte making some sushi in one of the little cottages from around the world. My girls love to pretend they are cooking. Girls dressed up
Rylee loves to paint. I think this was some sort of wall you could do hieroglyphics on....
One of the girls' favorite parts of the whole day was the schoolhouse. They loved pretending they were in school. There was even a bigger kid in there "teaching" and being a bit bossy, but the girls just went right along with it. There are not many pictures of Logan because he was busy going up and down the treehouse and I could never catch him with the camera!
Another favorite was the little barn with the sheep and milking the cow. Avery remembered the sheep from last time - It made her pretty nervous but she couldn't stop watching it because it moved and made sounds. It was so funny to watch! It was like she was frozen there.

Trying out milking
My mom and brothers met us there a little later. Uncle Jeff just HAD to try the milking!
Logan and Uncle Kyle were checking out this big mural and Logan found Darth Vader. He thought that was pretty awesome.
Little cowgirls
And a cowboy.
Another favorite is the music room. The kids just run from instrument to instrument and make as much noise as they can. They love it!
Drumming, drumming, drumming....

Rylee and Avery also really liked the little hospital part. I guess Avery doesn't know the way to take blood pressure yet. She is trying to put it on her neck.
Avery loved taking care of the babies and giving them each a blanket.
The kids also always spend a lot of time in this section where you can dress up and put on plays on the stage. Uncle Jeff helped everyone pick a hat to take a picture with him. Logan and Uncle Kyle also played a game of chess with the giant chess board.
King Logan
Princess Avery
Logan became the announcer for Rylee's play. He really likes doing that!
Rylee telling us about her play. She got a little shy because there were a lot of other people around, but this is for sure her favorite part of the museum.
Avery modeling Uncle Jeff's shades
All the kids on the firetruck before we called it a day - Charlotte, Rylee, Avery and Logan
Avery always wanted to be the driver, and somehow she managed to get her way...My cute little crazies before we left
On the way out I took this picture of the Ogden temple since they are remodeling it. We drove by it again a few weeks ago and it is completely gone! Crazy!
Our day was not over. We maybe should have called it a day with that many tired kids, but we headed to the Dino park for a little more fun. We met Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian there. First, we went to see the live dinos upstairs that move. I think it is a Triceratops and her babies and a T-rex or a raptor having a little battle of sorts. Aunt Vanessa held Avery. From the look on her face, I don't think she really liked the moving dinosaurs too much. However, you should have seen Logan! He was in tears and hiding in the corner. That is NOT his thing. It still baffles me that it gets him so upset when we have been there SO many times and he loves dinosaurs SO much, but he REALLY doesn't like it. I don't know why but there are no pictures of him in the corner. I must have decided to be nice and leave him alone for once. Logan mapping out our day. He was in a much better mood after we saw the live dinos and that part was over with!
Aunt Vanessa gave the kids some money to feed the ducks. They liked this much better.
Grandpa took the kids on a walk around the dino park. Logan was trying to go as fast as he could. I don't know why but he was way nervous about all the dinosaurs this time. I have never seen him act that scared! He is always a little cautious about them, but this time was worse than usual.
Logan finally posed with this dino. I think because it is a plant eater....
He posed with this one, too. Just no meat eaters!
The kids seemed to enjoy these cut-outs much more than the big dinosaurs. They wanted their picture taken in EVERY one!
Avery was so funny sticking her little face in there.
RyleeRiding a dino with the FlintstonesAvery's crazy hair makes this cave woman picture pretty believable - haha!
World's Most Dangerous Creatures
We went into the little art and craft center for a little break from the heat. The girls loved coloring and Avery was loving this little rocking horse. Kind of a random thing at the Dino Park, but I think she would have ridden this thing all day.
They also loved the playground. Uncle Jeff took Avery down the slide!
Rylee on the slideI'm not sure what Logan was doing, but he had a good time, too. He was jumping off all these little animal sculptures over and over again.
Getting a ride on Uncle Jeff's shoulders. This girl loves her Uncle Jeff! He spoils her!
We finished the day by digging for dinosaur bones. It was definitely one of their favorite parts of the day!

Avery with Uncle Jeff
Logan digging with Uncle Kyle - they are both pretty serious paleontologists!
Avery putting her shoes back on. She always says "Do it My-self!" and she MEANS it! She never wants help - especially when it comes to her shoes! I love the concentration on her face.
A few attempts of pictures of all the kids. Well, I think Juliette was sleeping. I can't believe I didn't get any pics of her the whole day! She is so cute with the sweetest chubby little cheeks! And no pictures of me and Amy - Sad! Here are Logan, Rylee, Avery and Charlotte
Not sure what Logan is doing here....
Finally got all the girls to look and then Logan is rubbing his eyes! I think this is an impossible task!
My kids with the T Rex before we left. It took some serious bribing to get Logan to let me take this picture!
And after a full day of fun, this little girl was tired out! After the Dino park, we headed to Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian's house for a housewarming BBQ and graduation party. They only lived a few minutes away but she was SO tired and she slept on their bed for awhile during the party even with tons of people and noise. Once Avery did wake up, she really enjoyed her dessert!

Wow! What a day! Poor Amy had to drive back to Idaho after all of that! I don't know if she will ever want to come with us on an adventure again, but we sure had a lot of fun!

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