Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Turning 2

Our sweet little Avery turned two in September. Here are a couple pictures right before she went to bed on the 24th. Her last pictures as a one year old...
She has been closing her eyes in EVERY picture lately!
And, the next morning (Sept 25) she was TWO!!! Doesn't she look so different?
This is one of my favorite faces that Avery pulls! She has done it since she was little. She is so funny and SO expressive!
First up, we had a yummy birthday breakfast! Chocolate chip pancakes!!! The birthday girl's favorite! I don't know why she is pulling that face. She really does like them. Avery's birthday was on a Sunday this year and since we have late church, we had plenty of time for a yummy breakfast and to open presents!
Tearing right in.... She really knew what to do this year!
Some fun play foods
Clothes! She actually got pretty excited about them as she took them out of the bag. She was so funny about opening and did it very methodically and had to have every piece of wrapping paper off and put it all into a little pile. It drove her crazy when it would stick to her hand, too.
I love that the kids are excited for her on her birthday and couldn't wait for her to open her presents!
A Cinderella Baby from Rylee!
Rylee couldn't wait to give her this! Since our trip to Disneyland, Avery has been really into the characters and Cinderella (or Rella) is one of her very favorites!
Some Sesame Street guys
Logan giving Avery her present. He was so excited, too!
A Jessie!!! She got really into Toy Story on our trip and met Jessie, Buzz and Woody at Disneyland so she was WAY excited about this, too!
Her big present was a Sesame Street houseHer brother and sister seem to like this present, too!
With all her loot...and her eyes closed again!
Avery got some Elmo jammies, some play food, a Barney movie, clothes, some Sesame Street figures, a Jessie doll, a Cinderella baby and a Sesame Street house! Avery and her faces! She loves Barney!
Once the presents were opened, we had some time before church and Avery had a great time trying out all her new toys. Here is Rylee showing her how the Cinderella baby fits in her little stroller.
Darren tried to get a picture from his spot on the couch (after knee surgery) of the girls. They opened the play foods and Rylee got the bathroom rug and they set up a cute little picnic. The picture isn't really in focus, but still cute of them playing together and their imaginations!
Later, they moved the picnic and included Logan
Avery with her new Ernie and Bert
Playing with the Sesame House
Avery LOVES Jessie!
Then, it was off to church and afterwards we had a big Elmo party to celebrate! I think that Avery has been talking about her Elmo cake and telling everyone for at least a month, so she was pretty excited about her party and cake after church! (Party will have to be a separate post...)
Once the party was over, she couldn't wait to get into her Elmo jammies!
I always let the kids pick a special meal for their birthdays. We usually end up going out, but Daddy wasn't quite up for that yet with his knee. Avery didn't get to pick the food for her party because I was making it for way too many people, but the next night (Sept 26th), we had the birthday dinner she wanted - Cheesy pasta and watermelon and chocolate milk! Yummy!!! And notice she is still wearing those Elmo jammies at dinnertime! She LOVED them and didn't want to take them off and who can argue with the birthday girl?
The fam enjoying Avery's birthday dinner. Cheesy pasta is actually all my kids' favorites so it was a popular choice all the way around. And, Rylee always makes a giant mess with pasta, so that is why she is shirtless. I didn't let her go around all day like that....

Happy Birthday Miss A! We love you!!!

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