Tuesday, January 17, 2012

August Birthday Celebrations

August 15th - In August, our daddy had a birthday! We LOVE when there is a birthday around here. We celebrated by making him a cake. I am not always very good at letting the kids be really creative and things with crafts. I always want it to look just right, so although I let them help, I usually end up taking over and fixing it the way I want. I am trying to do better about that. So, I let them take over the cake making. It was pretty hard to just watch, but they loved it! The finished product may not have looked the best, but it was made with LOTS of love!
Rylee, Avery and Logan pretty serious about their frostingThey decided to decorate the cake with some of Daddy's favorite candies - Reese's Pieces
She ate a lot more candy than she put on the cake...
They had the great idea to make the candy into a 32 since that is the birthday Daddy was celebrating.
Never mind the gaping hole in the cake and the frosting EVERYWHERE! It was a fun project and our Daddy loved it!
Finished and covered in frosting
Licking the knife was a great bonus! For dinner, we decided to go to Texas Roadhouse to do a little more celebrating. They were having some sort of fundraiser going on, so all the Cache County Rodeo royalty was there. Rylee loved it! She is all about any kind of Princess!She got their autographs and some pictures.
Avery liked the Princesses, too.
Daddy made us promise if we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner we wouldn't make him sit in the birthday saddle. Such a party pooper!
Happy Birthday Daddy! Opening gifts Rylee really wanted to buy Daddy a new car for his birthday, but it wasn't quite in the budget. Instead he got a new Ipad2. He actually went with me on a little date earlier in the morning and picked it out since I didn't want to get him the wrong one. The kids thought it was a surprise for him though and they were SO excited to give it to him! I love Logan's face when Daddy opened it.
Avery got tired of waiting for Daddy to open her present, so she just went ahead and opened it herself. Blowing out the candles
Daddy loved his BEAUTIFUL cake! Happy Birthday to one of the BEST daddies around! You do so much for us and we love you!
Aug 13 - Also, that week we celebrated this little guy's 1st birthday! This is my cute nephew Cameron. They live in Texas but came to visit so he could have a party here. We love when they are in town! He had a fun monkey party and looked so sweet covered in cake.
We went down the night before the party (Aug 12) to stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa's so we could spend some more time with Curt and Carla and their family while they were in town. Rylee was so excited to see her cousin Raegan. They are such good little friends and Rylee loves when she is here to visit. They even got to have a sleepover, which she is heaven about! Well.... There wasn't much sleeping happening! I had to go up a few times because they were just talking and giggling all night. It was pretty cute, but eventually I knew there needed to be some sleeping or it would be disastrous later on. They finally went to sleep around ONE AM! Silly girls! I had to take a picture of the way there were sleeping, but I didn't dare to use my flash because there was NO way I was waking them up again. So, it is not the greatest picture, but it makes me laugh. I am pretty sure they switched sleeping positions several times before they finally fell asleep. Rylee is sleeping almost sitting up and Raegan is buried under her Hello Kitty and blankets. Logan was also there for the sleepover and was in the bed in that room. He was up chatting very late too. Cousins are so much fun!
Rylee and Raegan playing dressups in Grandma's toy room the next dayWe love when Raegan comes to town! These 2 have so much fun together! Aug 13 - We had a great time at Baby Cam's party. Rylee really enjoyed whatever she ate. I think it was some sort of berries.... Looks delicious!
We spent most of the party in the pool. Or at least the kids did. That is what we do at just about every summer get together with the Webber's. The kids have so much fun swimming with their cousins! Here are Avery and Rylee swimming with Grandpa Bill
Avery showing off how to kick
And then she discovered jumping in.... She wanted to do it over and over and she didn't seem to mind if someone was there to actually catch her or not. Up to this point, she was pretty cautious about the pool and sometimes wouldn't even get in. Now I think we have to be a little more worried about it - This girl is fearless!
Rylee jumping in
Kisses from Uncle Kevin
The big boys decided to put the slide into the pool, which seemed to provide a lot of cheap entertainment for the rest of us. I guess Rylee thought this was hilarious. Look at her face!
Avery found a pool buddy - Uncle Kevin was so cute to play with her all day
Logan jumping off the slide. I don't think it was wet enough, so he just jumped!
Rylee was loving the pool, too. She is doing so much better in the water since her swimming lessons this summer.
Avery and Madi. Daddy couldn't swim because of his knee and mom didn't really want to get her hair wet, so Avery found lots of people to swim with in the pool. Luckily, there are LOTS of helpers around!
Avery really wanted to take a ride down the slide. I wasn't sure how she would do, but she loved it! We also found this little tube suit that Grandma had and put it on her to make her a little bit safer by the pool since she had become such a dare devil.
She also loved this cute little float. She doesn't like hers, but other people's are more exciting, I guess. I love that she has 2 tubes on. I guess we are double covered.
More swimming with Uncle Kevin
Rylee taking a turn on the slide
Rylee modeling some goggles. My kids always think these are the funniest things!
Logan going down the slide head first! He is getting brave, too!
Love the big smiles!
Rylee swimming to Spencer. I think he was trying to teach her some swimming lessons. She even took off her floaties, which she normally will not do.
Avery jumping to Madi
Running around in her little tube suit
Avery swimming with Haley

Logan getting a ride from Uncle Kevin
We had a great time at the party and loved seeing the family. We also made a trip to Ikea and got some much needed organization things for our toy room, so it was a very productive trip. On the way home, our little Princess did this. I think that late night and all that swimming wore her right out!

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