Sunday, January 8, 2012

City Day Celebrations

July 15 - Every summer, it seems like we are out of town for our city's fun hometown celebration, but this year we were here and excited to go and check out the events. Friday night we went over to the park. They had a climbing wall and blow up toys for the kids to play on and then fireworks. So much fun! Waiting in line for the giant slideAvery made it all the way to the top of the giant slide, but then she didn't want to go down. Luckily, the nice girl working went up and got her down so I didn't have to. She still didn't want to come down so the girl just had to grab her and bring her down. She begged and begged to go again, but we didn't let her after that.
Instead, she hung out with Daddy.
Waiting for the fireworks
We sat by some friends who had brought lots of fun glow sticks. The kids had a great time having light saber fights with them. It kept them very entertained while we waited for the big show.
Once the fireworks started, the kids were really into it. I loved watching their faces! Avery was so funny to watch!
Yeah for family fun! I was there, too, but just the picture taker.
July 16 - Saturday morning was the parade. The kids LOVE parades! And this one had tons of candy, so they were in heaven! Ry
Some of our friends came and sat by it which made it extra fun for the kids! They loved having buddies there! Here they are all ready with their candy bags... This is serious business!
Ry and her candy loot
Avery cracked me up picking up her candy. She looked so funny being so little out there scurrying around and stashing the candy. Then she would look at me so weird when I tried to get her to put it in her bag. Like she had worked so hard for it and now I was taking it away. After awhile, she got the idea down and started filling that bag! She loves her candy!
The girls loved waving to all the Princesses!
She is excited! Can you tell?
Logan loves talking to the Aggie players! Some of the basketball players even know him by name by now because he sees them places and yells their names and has to talk to them. He is the biggest Aggie fan!
She is just so cute! Logan is harder to get pictures of than the girls! He is getting much too cool for the camera and fast!

What a fun day! We had a blast and saw so many friends. Saturday was another day with lots of blow-up toys for the kids and fun activities. We played in the volleyball tournament, but lost and then we went to the new Harry Potter in the afternoon. SOOO good! That was a bit of a last minute thing and ended up being quite the fiasco, but that could be its own post. We were so happy to go though and I'm glad it worked out! (Even if the babysitter did leave pee on the floor for a few hours....) When I came back from the movie, a friend called and needed another person for their family's softball team for the tournament. I went and played for them and it was so much fun! We ended up winning the whole thing and beating the team that wins every year! I played first base and actually did pretty well, if I do say so myself. I even caught the game winning pop fly and we got tshirts! Can't wait to play again next year!

July 22 - The next week, Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian came into town for Uncle Brian's city hometown days celebration. They invited us out to his house to swim in his family's little above ground pool and the kids had a blast! They loved making whirlpools and it was the perfect size for them!
This is not a very good picture, but it was the only one I got of Ry...
Avery cruising in her little tube!

Daddy giving piggy back ridesUncle Brian gave some piggy back rides, too
Logan practicing his swimming skills from lessons this summer. He is getting to be quite the little swimmer!
And...Nothing says summer like naked babies and popsicles! I just love these pictures of Avery in her diaper and crocs eating her popsicle with her crazy hair and cute toddler belly!
July 23 - The next day, we went back for more fun at their city celebration. Daddy had soccer, so just me and kids went out so that I could play in the volleyball tournament with Vanessa and Brian. Sadly, we didn't do very well.... But it was really fun! I love to play... I just hate to lose! But there were some pretty good teams. The kids had a great day, even if Mommy lost! The highlight of the whole day was the chicken chase and the rabbit race! I wish I had pictures of that! It was hilarious! They turned the kids and a few chickens or bunnies depending on the "event" and whoever caught the chickens or bunnies first was the winner. It was crazy! Logan was pretty crushed when he didn't win, but it was pretty good entertainment! Vanessa's mother-in-law was nice enough to help watch the kids while I was playing and they had lots of fun playing on the playground and hanging out. They made friends with Vanessa's niece Gracie and built a pretty awesome sand castle birthday cake with lots of candles!
The girlies hanging out between games. Logan and Uncle Brian
And we had to have a snowcone!

Right about the time we were ready to leave, it was time for the parade, so we headed over to watch! More candy and princesses to wave at! I think a lot of the entries were repeats from the parade the week before, but the kids didn't seem to mind.
Watching the parade

The highlight of the day for the kids, besides chasing animals in a field, was meeting Aggie basketball player Brady Jardine! It made Logan's whole summer! Logan yelled at him from across the street, and I think he recognized Logan from Vanessa's wedding luncheon at the Copper Mill. The Aggies were there having a team lunch and Logan walked in and said hi and got a picture. He also told them how upset he was that his aunt was getting married on a game day and he had to miss the game. So funny! Anyway - Brady was really nice and came over and talked to both of them for quite awhile. Logan thought he was the coolest!

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