Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Everything I have posted recently has been pretty much ancient history - Things that happened MONTHS ago! So, I thought I'd post a couple new things that are actually a little bit more current. We've already had a few pretty big changes happen to start off 2012.
We had a FABULOUS Christmas! We barely left the house for almost a week! It was great! Someday I will get around to posting the whole story! On January 11, our cute Uncle Jeff (my little brother) left for the MTC. I was the biggest mess! I really had a hard time with him leaving. I think it is mostly because of my kids. They adore their Uncle Jeff and will really miss them and he has spent a lot of time hanging out at our house and even babysitting. It is crazy to think how big they will be when he gets back! It makes me a little sad to think of all that will happen while he is gone, but I know that he is doing the right thing and is where he should be. We are so proud of him and are having so much fun writing letters and the kids pray for him all the time. It is so cute! We told the kids we need to pray for him a lot at the beginning because he will probably miss his family and it will be hard for him so Logan always prays for Jeff to "remember all the family memories" and to not be lonely. And the other night, he said for him to "look deep into his heart and find the Spirit and our family". Saying good-byeJust a couple days after Jeff left, we got a new family member! My sister had her baby! Robin Jayde was born on January 15 at 6:07am and weighed 7lbs 12oz. We are so excited to have a new cousin and niece!
On the 16th, the kids were out of school for Martin Luther King Day, so we gave them the choice of what they wanted to go and do. They chose to go visit Aunt Heather and meet Robin. They were so sweet holding her! It makes me more excited for the arrival of our little guy! This one was in LOVE! She wanted to hold the baby the whole time. I think our baby might be in for it with this big sister in charge! Also, we started our VERY first season of Jr Jazz. Logan is loving it and Daddy is his coach. It is pretty hard to watch! 1st graders playing basketball.... it is total craziness! There have been a few occasions where kids will run the full length of the court and never dribble. It makes me insane to watch, but Logan is having so much fun and is pretty entertaining. He really gets into it and plays some intense defense! Someone in our ward even told us it made his whole weekend just to watch Logan play. And... on Saturday, he scored his VERY FIRST basket! He was SO excited you would have thought he just won the NBA Championship! He had quite the celebration. I was in the bathroom taking Avery potty (Another big change for us...at least almost! We are still perfecting the potty thing, but we are almost there....) and I walked back into the gym right as he scored. I wish I had seen the whole thing or got it on camera, but at least I saw it. Afterwards, he called my dad and gave him quite the story. Some of it included that he was "surrounded by white guys" (meaning the other team) and that he had to dodge back and forth. Darren said the dodging part went on for a good 20 seconds before he actually shot it and he never dribbled. Just ran back and forth. But still... it was a score! And he gets $2! Yep...I am THAT parent who bribes their kid....

Also, last weekend they split our ward! I hate that kind of change! Our ward was huge and it needed to be done, but it makes me sad! A lot of my good friends ended up in the other ward and a lot of the kids' friends, so it was a little hard for me. But, I guess now we will be able to get to know some of the other people in our ward we hadn't before. We went for the first time this last Sunday to the new ward in a brand new building. It was a little different, but I guess we will get used to it! The new chapel is so nice! It just felt a lot smaller without so many people there. And, for one last fun change... we got some new furniture! We have had these old couches since we got married and we really haven't purchased ANY furniture since. They were $350 for the set at the clearance center. I have never really loved them, but they were just about the only thing in our price range at the time and they are now 9 years old and not in the greatest shape. However, they are VERY comfortable and every time we went looking, I couldn't find anything I liked to sit in as much as these. But, I finally caved and last week....
Our new couch arrived! It is pretty exciting since it is the first real furniture purchase that we have really made! The ottoman is still on back order or something so it hasn't come yet. I have to say, it isn't as comfortable to watch TV, but it does look much nicer in my family room.

And tomorrow.... we are getting blinds after almost THREE years in our house! Good thing we don't have any neighbors behind us!


The Ollies said...

Your kids are so cute and I LOVE your new couch. I need to come over and test it out. :) Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Julie and Matt said...

I love your new couch! very pretty. I'm sad we aren't in the same ward anymore too. We will just have to make more of an effort to get together.