Tuesday, January 17, 2012

August Recap

Here are a few other random happenings from the month of August. I hate when the summer ends!
Aug 1 - I can tell that Avery must be REALLY close to turning 2 because she has been getting into lots of trouble lately. She has been writing on the walls a lot! We are trying to teach her that she has to do the time when she does the crime and clean up her mess, but I think the problem is she actually really likes cleaning the walls, maybe even more than writing on them.
Aug 8 - More trouble for Avery.... I always know when it gets quiet that this little one is up to something. This day it happened to be CANDY! She loves it and seems to be able to find it everywhere! I think she dug this out of my purse while I was doing the laundry and then dumped it all over the couch. When I found her, she was happily eating and then starting shoving it in as fast as she could! Such a mess!!!Aug 11 - Another mess! This time, it wasn't Avery, it was Rylee! She somehow found some of the Halloween makeup. This was the glitter we used when she was Tinkerbell. She decided to apply it ALL over her face. Looks lovely! She has some serious shine! Aug 12 - Avery LOVES shoes! She is always putting random shoes on around the house. On this day, she picked a pair of Mom's tallest boots. She looked so funny trying to walk around in them.
Aug 15 - Our daddy turned 32!!! And the kids made him a cake all on their own!
Aug 17 - I love when the kids use their imagination and I think it is so funny when they just come downstairs in random dress up clothes! On this day, we ended up with Buzz Lightyear, a lion and Spiderman. Too cute! I don't know how they all went together for whatever they were playing, but they were having a great time.
Our fearless Buzz - Rylee is just a little bit expressive!
Logan the SpidermanAvery the lion - I love her tiny little face poking out of the costume!
Aug 17 - 20 - We took a little mini vacation to Salt Lake where we went to the Children's Museum, Temple Square, the Zoo, This is the Place park and Thanksgiving Point. It was a great way to end our fun summer!
Aug 21 - Avery is always asking to sit on the potty. I think she wants to be big like her siblings! She finally REALLY went! YEAH!!! I'm sure it isn't anything to be too excited about...yet! But maybe soon. Her favorite part is definitely wiping! We are going through a LOT of TP!
Aug 21 - Ry got these Bendaroo things from lunch at Thanksgiving point with the kids menu and had a great time with them. She loves arts and craft things and is always creating something. Shortly after this, they were stuck in the carpet though, so they didn't last much longer...
Aug 23 - Avery is a little artist in the family too, but she has been doing it on the walls a lot! She struck again!!! This red marker was NOT good and didn't come off too easily
Trying to help clean up her mess
Aug 24 - Avery trying the potty againAug 25 - I can't keep this girl out of the cupboards! She is constantly climbing and can always seem to find candy no matter what I do!

Aug 25 - Logan's FIRST day of FIRST grade!!! What a big day! All the kids on Logan's FIRST day. We have never had early school before so the morning schedule is going to take some getting used to!
For dinner that night, we had these little apple back to school snacks. I know....they look more like pumpkins. The red food coloring didn't take too well!
Aug 27 - We went to Aggie Family Football day. We were kind of late, so we missed out on the scrimmage and most of the activities, but we did get autographs. I don't think we would have lasted long if we had been on time though. It was SUCH a HOT day and the even hotter down on the turf. A lot of the football players were really cute with the kids. They were so nice to talk to them and ask them their names. Rylee was very shy, but a lot of them told her how cute she was! Logan liked to ask them all what position they played. We met Robert Turbin and Coach Anderson and we were so impressed with them - especially Turbin. He ran after us and made sure the kids got autographs. Such a nice guy! And his arms are HUGE!!! Coach Anderson
Avery enjoying a ride on Daddy's shoulders
Showing off their autographed posters. Go Aggies!!!

Aug 28 - Our cute cousin Ethan turned 2 and had a fun Toy Story birthday party. Aunt Heather made really cute cupcakes! Avery loved her alien one.
Logan picked Rex and Rylee picked Hamm because he was pink
Aunt Heather's cute cupcakes. My favorite was Mr Potato Head.
The birthday boy! Aug 30 - I looked over and saw these two cute little heads cuddled together on the couch. Just hanging out and watching tv together - Sometimes they are the best little buddies!
Aug 31 - ANOTHER Avery mess! This girl is into EVERYTHING right now. She got into Mom's mascara! She even got it pretty close to the right spot - She loves makeup! She always sits with Mom while she is doing hers and pretends she is putting on her own. She must be learning to know where to put that mascara!

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