Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ready to go!

Aug 30 - Since Logan headed off to school, poor Rylee was dying for her chance to start! The next week she had her little preschool open house where she got to meet her teacher and other kids in the class and see what her school was like. She was so excited and asked for DAYS if it was her turn to go to school and the day finally came! She picked out her own outfit and was SO excited!
Avery was excited, too. I think she is really going to miss her brother and sister when they are both at school! Miss Rylee ready to check out what preschool is all about!
We got there and she got to see the room where they do preschool and even had a little assignment. She had to make this cute little snack mat to use for her snack every day. So she started doing some gluing... Almost done...While we were doing that, this little one got to do some coloring. She loved it! She thought she was so big. I think she would love going to school, too.
Rylee with her finished snack mat. They were supposed to bring a picture of them eating their favorite food. Rylee chose a picture of her eating ice cream at Bear Lake.
And now she is counting down until her first REAL day of school! She loved going to see the school and knows almost everyone in her class so she is very excited! Too bad she has to wait until after the Labor Day holiday to start her classes. I think she might go crazy waiting!

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