Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ballerina Baby

September 22 - Rylee has been begging to take dance ever since she went to her little friend, Madi's recital last spring. I got her all signed up for the fall and she was so excited to start! It was a great place where she can go only one day a week and it is close by and really cute. No scandalous costumes or choreography! (Dance scares mom!!!) She even has a friend, Taya, from our ward in her class that we carpool with. But, on the first day of dance, she was sick and then the next week were in Disneyland. She was so disappointed to have to wait TWO whole more weeks to start, but was even more excited when it was FINALLY time for her first day!
We went shopping and she picked out her dance outfit - All PINK! Demonstrating some of her ballerina spinsDropping her off at her class
All ready to dance!

She loved her first day and has loved every day since! It is definitely right up her ally and I am glad that she has found something to do that she really loves. She looks forward to each Thursday and can't wait to come home and show us all her new moves. We can't wait for her recital in May to see her perform!!!

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