Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And Just Because...

September 7th - Since the other kids had their own little photo shoots for the first day of school, Avery wanted her picture taken, too. And, since she was willing, I figured why not? She had a cute little outfit on (These are my favorite shoes of hers! I want some in my size!!!) and was even willing to pose. She might not be off to school, but she is sure growing up fast!
LOVE the cheesy faces she has been pulling lately! She pulls some pretty funny faces! I think little Miss Avery is going to have a bit of a hard time with her full time entertainment (Logan and Rylee) being gone to school so much of the day. She thinks she is just as big as they are and I think if she could, she would head off to school with them! But, it might be nice to not have her and Rylee fighting and I think she will also enjoy some one-on-one time with Mom and Dad. She has never really had it! And I haven't had just one at home since Rylee was born, except for the 3 weeks that Logan first started preschool before Avery was born. It is kind of nice to just enjoy one child and see their personalities in a different way. Avery is growing up so fast! She is talking more and more everyday and is showing so much more personality and spunk (and a bit of attitiude at times...) I can't believe she will be TWO in a couple weeks and more of a toddler than a baby.

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