Monday, January 9, 2012

Sumo Wrestlers and Volcanos

I love my conversations with Logan. He has some pretty interesting things to say. I was asking Logan about his day today and he was telling me about playing at his friend's house. He told me that he spent a lot of the time there telling his friend about his dream last night. I asked what his dream was, and at first, he wouldn't tell me. He said it was really sad and said there were "bad words". That made me a little worried, so I asked him to tell me more about it. Here is the story I got. I wish I could remember all the exact wording he used or that I could capture the way that he told the story, but I guess I'll just have to do the best I can.
There was a sumo wrestler. The sad part was that he died. He had decided to quit some wrestling and he started climbing mountains, but he climbed one mountain and it was really a volcano. The volcano erupted and he died. I asked him what the bad words were and he said that some of the fans of the sumo wrestler had big signs that said the word, "suck".
Then Darren got home, so he started telling the story to him, but added a lot more detail. For instance, he said that the sumo wrestler started climbing the mountain and he was only 2 feet up and the mountain was 540 feet and also added there were 70,000 pounds of magma in the eruption. There was something about a button that caused the explosion. Also, he added that the sumo wrestler was on the news because he died and that he was one of the reporters. It was all pretty funny! Very detailed and it just kept getting better and better and longer and longer. My favorite part was that during the whole story, he was watching himself in the window, so I am sure he was practicing to get all his facial expressions just right.

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