Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rylee's First Day of Preschool

September 7th - I am having major guilt over not not posting this sooner! In my defense, I thought I did post it, but I just put some pictures on Facebook. Also, we were leaving for Disneyland the next day and Rylee got sick. And then I came home to Darren's knee surgery and morning sickness and a birthday party.... Anyway... I feel terrible that I didn't journal this sooner so I could remember more. At least its getting done sometime, right?

The Wednesday after Labor Day, Rylee started preschool. She has been excited about this day for MONTHS! Really I think ever since Logan started going off to school all the time. We did a Joy School last year, which was so fun, but not quite the same thing since it was just as someone's house and mom was one of her teachers and there were only 4 kids in her class. So Preschool was a BIG deal! She hated that Logan started school so much sooner than she did and she couldn't wait for her turn. The big day came and we picked out the perfect little outfit and she was SO excited!!! I think she looked pretty darn cute!

Here are a few of Rylee's favorites when she started preschool. Some of these have already changed!
Not sure why we didn't wear shoes for pictures but she is still stinkin' cute! Gotta have a picture of her backpack! Can you tell that she is so excited??? Their little assignment for the first day that they were given at the open house was to decorate this little slice of pizza to hang in their classroom. Rylee loves these kind of projects and picked out everything she wanted to decorate hers with at the store. It is VERY Rylee - Lots of bling, butterflies, glitter and Princesses and Pink Glitter Glue for her name.
I am not sure if Avery will be happy or sad about missing her sidekick all day. I think she might actually enjoy it! They are the best of buds though. And also the worst of enemies!
Rylee and Daddy before she headed off for her big day of school! Rylee and Mommy
Dropping Rylee at Preschool. I think it was pretty bright outside...I remember I was a disaster when I dropped off Logan. I didn't have a very hard time dropping off Rylee. I think it probably helped that she wasn't my first and she was so excited. I also know her teacher really well since she is in our ward and all but one of the kids in her class is also in our ward, so it didn't seem hard to send her off with all her little friends. I think she is also a little more mature and ready for this than Logan was.
Ready for class!
After school, we picked Rylee up and took her to lunch so we could hear all about her day. Nothing fancy... just Wendy's. But it was all about HER and she loved that!
Rylee is a pretty good story teller and has some great expressions. I am pretty sure that she didn't leave ANY details out about her first day of school. I think it is so funny because I have to work so hard to get information out of Logan, but Rylee comes home and tells us EVERYTHING just about every day!
A Frosty is a pretty good way to end a first day of school
A couple more pics of my cute girls with Avery not in PJs....
Avery couldn't wait to pick Rylee up! She did miss her...at least a little. But, she did also enjoy her time with mom and dad all to herself!
These are the little snacks I made to celebrate Ry's 1st day of school. Nothing fancy, but she loved them!

Here are a few things that Rylee loves about Preschool....
She LOVES playtime and has to tell me what she played and who she played with every day. It usually seems to be something sisters that she plays with her friends Kylie and Savanna. She says they play that because they can't decide who can be the Mom. She also tells me the boys play things like Batman and trains and blocks and she isn't interested in playing ANY of those things.
She likes to tell us about the jobs she has. She thinks a lot of the jobs are BORING but there are a few she really likes. Some of her
She loves to write now and wants to write things all by herself. I spend a lot of my day telling her what letter comes next in whatever she is writing about.

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