Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mini Vacation Part 2

August 19 - On Friday, we had another full day of fun planned! We had been talking about going to the zoo all summer. They were doing some special thing called "Zoorasic Park" with dinosaurs that Logan really wanted to see. We made it there just the week before they ended it. We had another really great day - It was SOOOO hot but we had a lot of fun!
Our little crew ready for the zoo. Aren't they the cutest? (I have an obsessive need to dress them in themed for the occasion...and matching...and I also have a giraffe obsession...)
Logan showing us his dino guide book. He is smiling now, but not once he SAW the dinosaurs!
So, we came to the first dinosaur on the little "tour". I don't think Logan was quite prepared for what the dinosaurs would be. They actually moved and a lot of them made noises and they were very life like. I thought they were awesome! And, you would think that Logan would have thought so too since he tells everyone he wants to be a paleontologist. But, he DID NOT like them! Rylee was the only one brave enough for a picture.
Avery checking out the dinos from her stroller. Love those shades!
Logan hid in the back of the stroller and would not get out until we were WAY past the dinos! Passing another one of the dinos...Logan was hiding in the stroller and freaking out a little bit. Especially once this one spit water...
Inside the big primate house, they had a huge display set up from the new Natural History museum that was opening a few months later. It was lots of dinosaur bones and places they had been found and things like that. There was a lot of stuff about Dr Scott, from dinosaur train, who had discovered a lot of the bones and works at the new museum. Logan really liked this part. Especially the table where they could actually touch some of the things. Rylee liked it, too. They were both just chatting to the lady from the museum and sharing all the dino knowledge they had!
Logan trying the dino tooth out for size
Avery wanted to see it, too
After the dinos, we looked at some monkeys. This monkey was really into the animals this year and was so much fun at the zoo! This monkey came right up to the glass and the girls were loving it!
Next, we saw one of our favorites - Zuri! The baby elephant. She is so cute and we had fun watching her and her mommy for a little bit.
Ry at the elephants
Our zoo crew with the elephantsAnother dino that Logan wouldn't go near. Rylee was willing though.
I finally got him to take a picture with the Stegosaurus. Somewhere along the way, we also went into the little house that is always changing exhibits. It used to be a butterfly house and the last few times we have gone, it has been something exciting on loan from another zoo like the white alligator. This time it was a bunch of stuff that was prehistoric, like bugs and little water animals that could have been around at the time of the dinosaurs. It was actually pretty boring! When we went inside, Logan asked what we were going to see and Daddy said, "Real dinosaurs." Oh my heck! You should have seen the kid! He FREAKED! He started crying and shaking and he was running for the exit. Daddy was trying to grab him and he almost started climbing the walls trying to get away. The poor kids coming into the exhibit were terrified! I think they thought they were going to be eaten alive inside there by his reaction. We were trying to help him calm down but we couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous he was being. It was a pretty funny memory from our day!
We saw the rhinos, which are one of Daddy's favorites, and they were right by the glass, which has never happened when we are there. Usually there isn't much too see, so this was pretty interesting for the kids. Avery even got to touch some rhino skin

Next, we decided to take a lunch break. We ran into this guy! He was AWESOME! Logan had a bit of another meltdown since he was SO huge and REALLY loud!
He wouldn't go anywhere near it for a picture. The girls weren't really in a good mood either. I think we really needed lunch! Logan thought the dinosaur was really cool from way across the way while we were eating. And Avery entertained us all by eating her food like a dinosaur with HUGE bites and lots of growling!
After lunch, Logan agreed to get this close to the T Rex for a picture. Making progress...
And he walked by the T Rex so he could go see this Parasaurolophus because he really likes those!
I hate the little round house with all the random reptiles and little animals. It stinks! But my kids always find something they think is really funny! I think this is Rylee watching the meerkats.
We told the kids they could choose if they would like to ride the train or the zoo carousel. They picked the carousel, which kind of surprised me, but it was definitely one of the highlights of their day! Rylee got to ride the elephant! She liked it because it was like cute little baby Zuri.
Logan picked a poison dart frog - perfect choice!
Avery got a monkey! She insisted on a monkey, which is also an appropriate choice. This baboon wasn't too cute, but she loved it!
Holding on tight! She got a little nervous when it started moving...
They loved waving to Daddy on the side!
So happy!!!

Next, we saw the giraffes....Mommy's favorite! And because of the girls' attire, I insisted on some pictures which didn't turn out so great!
The hats proved to be a bit of a problem sometimes....
Last time we went, the tigers were playing and splashing in the water and we watched them for quite awhile. This time the tigers were all doing this.... All the cats were hiding and weren't much fun. I think it was the super HOT day!
An orangetan - I think these guys are so cute! This is about the only ape we saw, too.
Monkeying around...
You can't go to the zoo without some of these pictures. Avery wouldn't participate little stinker!
This dinosaur would have been a really cool photo op if there wouldn't have been 20 kids on it all the time. Rylee was brave and put her head in his mouth!
Logan wasn't THAT brave, but he did touch it.
Stopping to fill up our sips at the famous lion drinking fountain. Logan really wanted a picture with the brachiosaurus. Once we got there, there was also a really scary looking dinosaur across the bridge so he wasn't so sure. But, he did it! Like I said....progress!
The kids loved running though the little underground caves where the bats are and popping up the gophers holes and they loved the playground. Logan makes a pretty good turtle.
Rylee coming down the big snake slideWe finished our day at a little show. One of the boy scouts next to us got stung by a bee and the girl that hosted the show was VERY animated and a bit annoying, but they kids got to pet a couple of the animals after the show and had a fun time. After that, we were done with the zoo.
On our way out. We should have done this when we got there instead! We were all pretty hot after a full day at the zoo.

And then, it was onto another adventure. We went across the street to the This is The Place park. The kids ended up falling asleep on the way over to the park - just crossing the road! So, we let them sleep for a few minutes and have a snack while Daddy got a map and some directions. I hadn't been there since I was pretty young and there is SO much more to do there than I remember! I wish we would have had a little more time. Since we only had a couple hours before they closed, we went straight for the pony rides!
Riding the ponies....

They had so much fun riding the ponies and Avery has loved horses lately so she was excited but a little nervous once they started moving. She really liked it after a few minutes and didn't want to get off!
They also had a small petting zoo but there weren't a lot of animals, at least at the part that we went to. Avery liked the bunnies.
They had an old school house. Rylee really wanted to go inside, but we didn't know if we went in we would be sitting through a whole school lesson! I wasn't sure if the kids would sit through it but they actually really liked it and Logan even got to answer a question.
Poor baby is looking a little sweaty.... It was a HOT day!
Avery having a little snack during school
I think Rylee liked the school house the most! She loved drawing on the chalkboard and she was really quiet and listened to the teacher.
Logan had seen some signs about panning for gold, so he was dying to do that so we went there next. It was pretty tricky to find it, but we finally found a few pieces. Well...Mom found some. The kids had fun looking and once we found some they got to trade it in for candy!
Searching...Avery enjoying her suckers! She didn't pan for gold, but she did get some treats! I think she would choose suckers over gold anyway.
What a beautiful place!
After panning for gold, we went over to the Native American village and saw some dwellings and the kids got to make some necklaces with arrowheads. They really liked doing that! We wanted to ride the train, but it was closed for the day, so we settled for this little tram that took us back down to the main part of the park. The kids didn't seem to mind that it was a different train. They are looking pretty tired though!

Love this baby!!!
Once we got back down to the main part of the little town, we had about 15 minutes until the park closed so we decided we could do one more activity. The lady at the front told us kids always love the chores, so we went there. They were kind of cleaning up for the day, but we got to do a few things and the kids really enjoyed it! If only they liked laundry this much at home!!! Since they were closing, they didn't use water for the laundry because the clothes wouldn't have time to dry so we had to use our imaginations. Hanging the laundry
Beating the rug
After they finished their chores, they got to try this little game where they make the little guy race up the ropes. They really liked this one!
Ready to head home - Avery refused to be in the picture.
And...we ended the day with a major melt down! Rylee threw herself on the ground and said she couldn't walk to the car. I wish I could remember all the details over what this was over, but I think we were all feeling a little like this. It was a long and hot day and we were all very tired! We were happy to go get some dinner and head back to Grandma and Grandpa's! We had a lot of fun though and still had one more fun day left!

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