Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One last Hurrah!

Aug 24th - Since we only had ONE last day of summer left, we didn't want to waste it! We let the kids pick something fun they wanted to do to celebrate their last day of freedom from school. Well...Logan's last day of freedom. Daddy had the morning off so the kids chose a day at the park and the zoo and a picnic. We had a great day!
We started at the zoo. As soon as you walk in, the monkeys are there and we love to watch the monkeys! We spent a lot of time watching them climb and play.We had been to the zoo a couple times this summer, but I think this was Daddy's first trip for the year so the kids were anxious to show him around. I love watching cute Avery run! She thinks she is just as big as the big kids and tries so hard to keep up. Her little legs really move and she swings one arm really big behind her. She tries to be so independent. She didn't want anyone pushing her in the stroller. She wanted to walk around just like everyone else.
Logan howling at the coyotes
I love these 2 cute little buds!
Love this face!
The favorite is always feeding the ducks. Luckily, we brought along lots of dimes so we could feed them for awhile. Avery was so funny trying to throw hers, but it didn't go far.
Off and running again...
Once we were done at the zoo, we headed over to play at the park for awhile. This baby LOVES to swing! She asks to "wing" over and over again and once she is in the swing, she laughs and laughs. She LOVES to go high!
Logan climbing
While the kids were busy playing on the playground, Daddy went and got us a delicious picnic lunch from McDonald's. Happy Meals are a special treat! The kids were really excited! And...a surprise guest showed up, too. Uncle Jeff!!! Mommy had a hard time finding a sitter for Back-2-School night, so I called Uncle Jeff and offered him some gas money if he would do it and he came up to hang out with us for the day. The kids love when he comes!
After lunch, we did some more swinging! This time daddy and Uncle Jeff were pushing and the kids were going so high! They loved it!
I love Avery's face in this one...Then, we showed Uncle Jeff the monkeys and headed for home. Logan begged and begged for most of the summer for a day at the Fun Park, but I really don't like that place. But, since it was the last day before school started and since Uncle Jeff was here, we decided to go spend a couple hours at the soft play there. The kids had a great time and Uncle Jeff was nice enough to go in and play with them and take them down the slide. I love how Avery is looking up at Uncle Jeff
From there, we had to rush home and then Logan and Mommy had to head to Back-2-School night to get all the info for his FIRST day of school the next morning. He is really excited for school. He is excited about school lunch, although he is a little nervous to be gone ALL day. He has counted how many hours that is and he feels like it is TOO many for a six year old. He has lots of friends in his class though and is excited about his teacher. I think it will be a great year for him!
My baby is going to FIRST grade!!! I can't believe it! What will I do without him all day long???

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