Saturday, January 21, 2012


Here are a few random funny things the kids have said lately that got me laughing. I wish I could remember more! They crack me up on a pretty regular basis...

Rylee and Logan were talking about how excited they were to not have school on Monday, and Rylee said something about Martin "Lute-ER". Logan immediately corrected her and told her "Rylee, you are taking his name in vain!"

My sister was scheduled to be induced to have her baby on Monday, which was Martin Luther King day. I told the kids this and Logan said, "On a holiday??? She better at least name the baby Martin Luther King, Jr Jr!" Thankfully, my sister had her baby a day early on Sunday, so she didn't have to name her baby GIRL that!

Avery was coloring in her coloring book on Sunday at church and pointed to the dots on Minnie's dress and said "Look! Polka Nuts!".

Rylee went to Beauty and the Beast 3d with Darren on a little date and a few minutes into the movie, she leaned over and told Darren, "Daddy! This starts just like the first one!"

Avery has been going potty a lot lately. Sometimes she will sit on the potty and say, "don't haft to. I go next year."

We rented The Smurfs movie last weekend and a couple days later Avery started asking if she could watch "Garbage Smell". I took me awhile to figure out what she meant but she finally told me "'murfs!"

Avery likes to tell us all "2 minutes, ok?" with her head cocked to the side. I don't know why but that makes me laugh.

Rylee likes to play like she is Avery's mom and I am the grandma. She asked me to babysit Avery and then when she came "home", she was asking me about Avery and said, "Did she do any consequences?" I had to ask her what she meant and she said, "You know. Bad stuff like hitting her sister."

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