Sunday, January 8, 2012

Downata Hot Springs

July 28th - Last summer, my family made a trip to Downata Hot Springs, and ever since my kids have been begging to go back! So, we finally found a day and made the trip with some good friends of ours and had so much fun! Daddy took off of work a little bit early and we headed out just after lunch. It is only about an hour from where we live, so it isn't too bad of a drive and we had a fabulous day!

My friend, Stephanie, that went with us is a FABULOUS photographer. I am trying to learn a few things from her, but I have a LONG way to go. She took these first few pictures, so I posted them first before my boring typing and not so great pics. Enjoy!
The cute girlies.... Avery, Savanna, Hallie and Rylee
I love this pic! If you know Logan, you know he is a bit of a chicken.... so Darren had to literally DRAG him up the stairs and down the slide!
And then he LOVED it and wanted to do it over and over!
Logan and his buddy Carter at the top of the slide. They are such good little buddies. We just found out they are moving soon and we are SO sad!
They had a splash pad that my kids loved! The little fountains were so fun!

Avery and Hallie.... I love these cute babies!
Rylee waiting for Daddy and Logan to come down the slide.

Ok...those were the good pictures. Here is the rest of the story!
Pulling into Downata - The kids were SO excited!
The kids ready to get swimming! These girls are such good little friends! They couldn't wait to get in the pool! Daddy and Avery
Logan playing on the Splash Pad
Carter spraying LoganThese boys have so much fun together!
Swimming in the pool. Ry is doing great about swimming with her face in the water! Coming up for air....
Rylee and Daddy
Logan coming off the slide. He loved this little one. It took some convincing to get him on the bigger ones, but he finally did it!
Avery and Daddy
This little girl ended up being crazy and fearless! She did this slide over and over and didn't even mind if she got dunked at the bottom. She even hit her head once coming down and just came back for more. She was loving it!
See??? Ready to go again...
She climbed up all by herself and everything! Such a big girl! Ready...set....go!
Rylee taking a turn on the baby slide
The kids also really loved the Splash Pad! They had so much fun with the fountains that sprayed and running around through all the water. And the best part.... it was warm!!!
Logan doing some karate chops on the waterSpraying everyone with the water
Miss Rylee
Logan coming down the BIG slide! It took a lot of convincing, but we finally got him to go! He really liked it too and did it over and over and didn't even want to leave when it was time.

He is pretty proud of himself for making it down that slide!
Love the flexing muscles and that happy face! He kept saying "Yeah, baby!" Rylee did take one trip down the big slides too, but I didn't get a picture because I took her down. And, once was enough for her. She didn't want to go again.
This picture makes me laugh, too! Logan WAS going to go down the black hole, which is the steeper slide that even goes UNDERGROUND. He and Daddy got up to the top and I waited and waited to get a picture of him. Lots of people came down, but no Logan! Finally, I spotted him.... he got a little scared and ended up coming down this way instead... I don't think it helped that Carter went and didn't like it, but either way, he WASN'T going on this slide. He did do the other one lots more times though, which is big progress for him.
Taking a dinner break.The kids started off at the table, but for some reason ended up eating on their towels and on the grass. Fun little picnic, I guess. Avery and Hallie
Savanna and Ry
Carter and Logan
Avery enjoying her Capri Sun
Most of the rest of these pics are just the kids playing at the Splash Pad. They seriously loved this thing! They just ran around like crazy and the water was WARM! So nice! They had a ball! For awhile, they were playing like this water was jail and they had to escape when the water went down. It was quite entertaining to watch.
Logan explaining to the others how to escape... Love the bum crack showing...
Logan also liked to pretend like he was conducting the choir of water. Such a funny boy!
The boys were doing some martial arts of some sort on this water...
Another shot of that cute bum. That suit is just a little bit too big...
Sitting on the water is always fun, too....
I love this baby! She was so funny to watch discover all these things. She thinks she is just as big as all the other kids.

Trying to catch the water....

Love all those faces!!!
Miss Ry - I love this pic of her. I just wish I wouldn't have got my shadow in the way! Still learning....

More of Avery and her splash pad. She was having so much fun!

Logan taking one last ride on the big slide.

All swam out and ready to head home. We had a great day!!!
Just to prove that I was actually there.... Me and my cute kiddies!
And.... the end result after a full day of fun and swimming. TIRED kids!!! What a great day! After spending the day there, we were talking about how fun it would be to try in the winter. Any takers???

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

I think I have that same swimming suit. Oops. I should have asked you which ones you had. :)